
I understand where you're coming from and I can see where this could be construed as charitable, but the truth is Down Syndrome kids are as varied as any other type of person. Some are beautiful. Some have wicked personality. Some can sell swim suits. She didn't get the job because she has DS, she got it because she

I would have loved it if people would have shut up while I was giving birth. It was a regular giggle sesh with the nurses around me. Then when my daughter was 30 second old, a nurse wanted to chat with me about laundry. Like, SHUT UP. I'm trying to have a moment here, people.

What an opportunity to help people in need. That's literally the only thing that kind of money is for. You can get a ridiculous house for $10MIL, an awesome car for $100k, set your kids up for life with a few mil in trusts and give, give, give, give.

For years, I the only lip color I would wear was a certain shade of Mary Kay. I only stopped because they changed the formula and it was a slightly different color after that.

My problem with this article is it directly quotes commenters from a previous post.

high five!

I thought she was growing her sadness in the pit of her stomach with the aid of her fruitless womb. People do that, right?

Agreed and I'm "only" a 36D. On a 5'2" frame with no other curves, I have to wear a bra or deal with my back hurting. So funny about the carrying thing. I (discretely?) hold mine during fitness classes. A full support bra is still no match for jumping jacks.

Yeah, and you're going to need to interview a 12-year-old who crashed a bike.

But it's all in fun, right? Like, "look, I can get this cartoon image to appear to be doing my laundry, har har har!" If they take it seriously then they have mental problems.

I see the "neat" (matter of opinion) angle someone could get from this, but I doubt anyone considers this their companion any more than a video game replacing human interaction. I just don't think the weirdos are that confused, just weird.

Touche. You make a great point. I'd love to see this site be more inclusive and encouraging of parenting in general. Bashing any mother for her feeding or sleeping choices is terribly anti-feminism by undermining her confidence in doing what she thinks is best for her family. We're all trying to do out best.

I think Jez's m.o. is to look out for women, not their babies. Attachment Parenting is completely centered around the child, and that can mean a lot of pain or, as this post points out, mental stress on the moms (who may be feminist readers of this site). I say this as a breastfeeding, cloth-diapering mom.

Oh yeah, he's married now and by all accounts an excellent husband and father.

I had a guy friend express his frustration once that every girl he went out with considered him marriage material and therefore wouldn't put out. He was like, "I know these girls are banging every other dude, but when it's me, a tall Jew with hair, ohhh, now they're prim and proper!"

Wow. If I can do anything to help, let me know. highglosschicago[at]gmail[dot]com.

To be quite honest, I'm just happy the post wasn't terrible compared to (how I am interpreting) the previous mom posts. I see the whiney side to this -BUT- I'm happy she's defending motherhood.

If someone chooses not to have children, that's her business. It's a lot of work and commitment, so if you don't want it, then don't do it. However, I believe becoming a parent is an important part of the experience of life. Motherhood AND fatherhood.

You realize you just laid a persona onto me. I have a nanny and get my kids' names confused. (Hey, they look very similar!) I have taken issue with the tone of the Jez motherhood articles lately because, as I stated, they have tended toward apologetic and are laced with scary, graphic bogey tales. We should be

Oh, do I even dignify this with a reply . . . "for a moment"? Do I for a MOMENT escape? You have no idea how many hours I put in to my community. You have absolutely NO fucking clue what I do with my time or how much of it I spend "escap[ing] the world of Yo Gabba-Gabba and cloth diapers". Why do you make that