
We appear to be on different sides of the maternal fence. I am reading constant apologizing and scary gore. Let me guess . . . you have no kids. Surprise: I have two. We may have to agree to disagree on this one.

Oh, you mean the shitting all over motherhood? Yeah, I've been here for that. But this is wonderful!

*shiver* Godspeed to you, my friend. They threatened my family and sent packages to my home. It was a NIGHTMARE.

Boom, LOVE this post. Finally, something positive about motherhood on Jez. Brava!

YES. Thank you times a million. Every. Fucking. Day. Right now I have one named "ArthurC" who literally visits my blog as often as he checks his email. He's banned, so what's extra creepy (YES CREEPY) is that he knows only I am seeing his comments at this point and yet he keeps making them.

AMEN. I pissed off the MRAs last October and nearly every day one of them drops a turd in my comments section. Let me be clear. I wrote *one* post they did not like (and I deleted it after the harassment and threats kicked in) and nine months later they will. not. let. it. drop. Its the same thing pretty much every

It's so refreshing to hear this from someone as successful as Rachel Maddow. I think everyone is hard on themselves and sometimes it manifests in sinking depression and for those who fight the current hard enough, it results in what others see as a successful life. Maybe we should all be easy on each other people as

I think people quit signing their emails to friends a few years ago, but I still do. Sometimes it's just with "J" but I still do it. I'm old-timey.

Maybe it's too soon to say this (I'm 32) but I look better now than I did at 22. My body isn't 100% after two kids, of course, but I have the money for better products and the knowledge of how to use them. When I was younger, I had to slave at two or three jobs at a time just to squeak by. I was exhausted,

Hospital birth and an empowering experience are not mutually exclusive. I gave birth in a hospital under the care of a very medical-establishment-friendly midwife. I had an epidural and pitocin, but you know what? It was empowering. I pushed that baby out. I didn't need to do it at home on a bear skin rug to claim my

My mom used to drop me off at the public library. I got so bored I was reading Hints From Heloise. Hmmm, it is now clear why I was bullied!

Oooh, that was basically my wedding. Minus the a cappella group, that was my trolley, all my photo op stops in Chicago and my carriage. Also, I am a nondescript blonde. Spooky.

Oh come on, no one has said it? That yes, sometimes people do act in a petty way towards people they are jealous of and make their lives miserable? I have a GORGEOUS friend who is accomplished and confident and I see the women (yes, women) who tear her to shreds. I promise you if she said the same things and were

I find that hilarious!

Of course she's wealthy. She has money coming out of her ear holes which is why she's allowed to act like this and get away with it. Most of us have to actually WORK for a living instead of taking internships that pay in opportunity then partying 24/7. Um, I mean "networking". The BS of the situation is unreal.

These are my thoughts exactly. I feel like I've been working and writing for over ten years and this chick is all, "lalala! I barf a lot and love to get high!" and here we are, reading articles about her. More and more I realize life is about who you know, not what you do.

I disagree. On this woman, her boobs are proportional. On a thin woman, those boobs would be ridiculous.

Totally. By this very same token, if a man wants to have a trailblazing career, he absolutely needs a supportive partner.

No. I don't see the difference. Molesting a child is equivalent to an attack on the face. Since I first learned about this story Monday, it appears most of the rest of the world agrees with me. He deserved to die on the spot.

Did you read the rules of the contest? Of course it was an exchange. It most likely said something like, "winner agrees to the use of likeness in Lucky publication" etc. They didn't give away a dress out of the goodness of their hearts. They held a giveaway as a marketing opportunity for the designer who likely paid