
Nope, I'm as liberal as the day is long and I say kill the mutherfucker.

I blogged about this today as well. YES, he had every right to kill that man on the spot. What, it's cool to shoot a guy high on zombie drugs who attacks a homeless man, but a sober ranch hand attacking a child should be left to due process? FUCK NO. I'm so glad that bastard got killed in a horrific, painful way.

PLEASE cover this more fully. Women are harassed so much online, to the point of terror sometimes. I can attest to that! (You guys covered an incident that happened with me last fall.) We need you Jez!

"I sort of think her reaction was unnecessary, though." Exactly. Choose your battles. If she's got such a problem with someone thinking she might go dancing, maybe she shouldn't be entering fashion giveaways where the designers are trying to promote party dresses. If she wanted to remain anonymous, she could have

If I didn't want the material good in EXCHANGE for using my image to promote said item then I would return the item. Refuse the deal. This chick? She's all "gimme the free stuff, but I'm so beyond with my 'integrity' ". Integrity is not participating, not participation-then-getting-righteous.

And who the hell is she? Nobody. No one cares about her specifically. It's like when the baby on the cover of the Nirvana album tried to claim royalties. He lost because he could have been any baby. This girl could have been any girl.

If it were me, I'd be gracious I was receiving a free dress and probably not made a big whoop out of whether people thought I was going to dance or teach in it. Lucky is a fashion magazine, they make money promoting glamour.


Thanks, back at ya! **high five**

Thank you, completely agreed. I'm not on a power trip because I have rules and a routine with my kids. They are very sweet, well-behaved kids that I can actually take places and enjoy because I don't let them run the show. Guidance brings peace, IMO.

But their sandwiches in the lunchroom? Fresh as daisies.

Yeah, and the no-sex thing. Hello! Err, the sex thing with lots of obviousness involved if you're into that.

According to the article, those would be helpful as well!

Love that book - read it twice!

I'll just say it. Lots of pageant dads on the show are gay-seeming, so I think that was relevant info.

So . . . if you happened upon a box with a deposit and you just wanted a baby and felt like kidnapping it, is that possible to do? What if you're the mother and you shut the lid, but change your mind . . . can you get back in? If it's as simple as opening a picnic basket, can an animal get in? So many questions!

Turtles bathe?

I agree it's rude to spend a bunch of a friend-of-a-friend's money if you know you never want to see him again. At least be nice enough to order a salad and then call it a night.

It was pretty crazy. I did zero to encourage this guy, but he kept sending weird Christian literature to me, like . . . I forget now, but something like a guide to Christian relationships or something. Then he sent me some music by Aretha Franklin that I want to say was religious in nature, but I'm not quite sure on

Oh, of course dudes can be weird. I partied with a tourist once a few years ago and the dude started sending me packages after he went home and once went so far as to show up in my city like, "Hi! I'm here to see you!" Um, no you're not. Psycho knows no gender.