
Ah, you're on to something! Easter eggs dyed Christmas colors on a pile of autumn leaves. Year round decor!

The think I like is you can do them in silver and leave them up from October past Christmas. I would say that was intentional, but really, I'm just that lazy.

Millenials are just young. I didn't clean in my early 20's either. I put everything in my apartment into a pile the size of a car and went out drinking every night. Now I'm a mom of two and it looks like a model home in here. Sort of. But the pile is gone!

I made those glitter pumpkins, too!

Yeah, this exactly. Why do they need to know how her babies got in her uterus any more than they need to know that answer for anyone else? Baby comes out of your body = your baby (barring some surrogate situation which is by far not the norm). Right? So weird.

I would have made a graph!

I do not see the problem with this at all. He's organized! He's also single and can date as many women as he wants. I mean, it's funny, but I really don't see a problem at all. If I wasn't married, I might date a guy like him. He'd probably get the bills paid on time and be a whiz with meal planning!

I can't seem to remember where I put my keys, but I can drum up a German porn reference with no trouble at all.

Enter, Safety Tat!

In Germany, yes.

Interesting! Maybe the shop does their own tags or something. That would be the way to sell more dresses!

Yeah, that gave me a chuckle.

That's too bad. What makes your friends different from each other should be why you like them. One of my bridesmaids is kind of a Pig Pen. It's just how she is. Of course on the big day her dress was wrinkled and she was clomping and tripping in her shoes (that she picked herself). I look at the pics now and it's

I completely disagree. I was a 6 in street clothes and a 4 in jeans, yet my wedding dress was a size FOURTEEN. I had a bigger chest, so to accommodate that and I guess run me up for alterations, I got the larger size and had it taken in. But still. I tried on a 10 and it was like baby clothes. I was 125 pounds 5'3 and

I think it has a lot to do with control. Eating is something you *can* control when you feel like you're losing so much control on everything else. Granted, you don't have to change your name or your address, but lots of women do in addition to changing priorities and expectations. Getting married isn't just a party.

I felt like her whole book was written to kiss his ass. I mean, I like her and I know you gotta do what you gotta do, but it was pretty over the top in the brown nose dept. He must be pure hell to work with. I'll be it's like wearing 6 inch pumps on a greased sheet of ice.

I will speak to the gravity question. I was in labor for half a day after my water broke, just walking and walking around the hospital. Finally my midwife figured out that my uterus was tilted a little outward and my ab muscles had separated (I looked like I had been shot in the back with a cannon) and that laying

I know in my heart you're right. I just can't seem to face doctors. I feel like I'm "complaining" and they don't want another thing in their day. I can't really explain it.

That's pretty great. Although I hate myself for feeling sad for him. I wouldn't vote for him short of having a gun to my head, but I always get this way after my enemy loses. I guess I'm just a bleeding heart liberal after all. HighGlossSauce love you, Santorum. Just like Jesus?

She's way cooler than me. I had to google it.