
Hormones in milk and meat. Mystery solved.

Oh, I see. You're better than me because you would have stood your ground and faced the "obesity in america is caused by SUGAR!" lectures with a firm smile that street candy is the right choice. Okay. Actually, if you must know, we are organic vegans and we have such little sugar in our house to begin with that I

We have the same problem in Chicago. It was the first nice day a few weeks ago and the little ice cream cart guy came along. Other parents were caving, so I caved too because what's worse: an ice cream or feeling left-out and resentful?

About a year ago my in-laws were raving about this new grain, "KIN-oh-ah". Oh, you mean quinoa, "keen-wa" which I served to every last one of their faces at my wedding in 2007. Did they remember it? No. They insisted I was crazy. And as soon as one week after the wedding a grand total of zero people remembered the

Agreed, no one cares about the food.

I don't get all this talk about how stupid and far-fetched it is to win the lottery. It happened to three people yesterday. A long shot? Yes. But the chance to be one of them was worth a dollar to me. Sorry.

Maybe it would be a good idea to unfriend acquaintances who are pregnant. I'm not saying that to be sarcastic, I'm saying if a "friend" of yours loses a child and your reaction is disgust at seeing the stillborn photography (which is indistinguishable from newborn photography because they just look like they are

Unfortunately I have known several people with stillborns and every single one of them has posted a picture of the baby. They do it because the child arrived, the pregnancy came to fruition, they delivered. One friend in such circumstance explained that she wanted to be congratulated on her beautiful son, yes, even

Shower: Grimy, awkward, hard surfaces.

I'm so glad you said all of this. As a stay-at-home mom I thank you! **applause**

And who would be angistier about getting her period than someone who might be married off because of it?

Ironically, I think these parties are geared toward lower socioeconomic communities where there are "real" problems aplenty.

Really? It's a pretty angsty topic for most 11-13 year old girls.

I agree, all I ever see are recipes for cake!

You're thinking about the article Jez did about dads running the PTA, I believe.

Oh yes. I'm part of a co-op preschool with sliding scale tuition in a gentrifying urban neighborhood. Woooo boy. It's interesting.

Right, and I'm sure you gave a shit about the oppression of the people of Uganda before two weeks ago.

That is an incredibly shitty attitude. "Well since we don't know anything definitive, let's laugh!" You're calling HIM an asshole? Here's a mirror, honey.

The part about him being hospitalized and possibility being a threat to himself was before the updates. I stand by my comment.

Wow, you guys are all a bunch of assholes. Mental illness is nothing to laugh at. This guy has been under enormous pressure and scrutiny lately and his clear mental trouble is nothing to mock. Do you love his video? Do you give a crap about KONY 2012? Maybe not. But this person is struggling and it's not funny.