
That was a shitty thing to say to a parent of an autistic child who was just trying to comment on an autism article.

Please don't call anything I ever read "mommy porn". Excuse me if I did reproduce in my lifetime and if being a mother is one of my roles, but there are times when I cringe at the word "mommy".

"Hopefully the book inspires them to keep reading and search out better material."

This seems as good a place as any to ask this question. My honors English teacher senior year of high school told the class that Princess Di had to submit to a virginity test before she could marry Prince Charles. She said it was a rule that the prince could only marry a virgin so she had to be inspected by a gyno

You know, you're right. My mother-in-law described the graphic birth of my husband the second time I met her. She REALLY wanted grandchildren. But why did she choose to emphasize the part about the hurculean baby breaking his collarbone on her pelvis? Maybe it's a challenge to earn your own bragging rights. Maybe I


"Olive Garden has become a lazy, over referenced punching bag for people who want to distance themselves from lowbrow culture but lack the creativity to come up with new shorthand for 'tasteless.'"

Why do people do that? It's like they LOVE freaking out women who haven't had children as some sort of one-upmanship. I certainly didn't have an easy birth or recovery, but the world keeps on turning and most of us live in the end! SiNG!

You ain't gonna win 'em all.

Exactly, I hear you. I meant that was my fear *before* giving birth. By the time the pushing was happening it could have been in the middle of the promenade for all I cared.

I guess I feel the need to chime in when I see people being fearful because my #1 fear in life was childbirth. I mean, a huge baby comes out of a tiny vagina and not only that, but you have to push it out yourself while everyone stares. Obviously for me to do such a 180 on the topic shows what a non-thing it can be.

I hate that people read these articles and get scared of childbirth. I say to you as one human to another, no matter how bad anything ever seems in the moment, it passes. I'm sitting here quite comfortable and happy with two kids in the other room and can barely recall anything bad about childbirth.

"I'm hot, I'm mean, you want me, you can't afford me. CROTCH! BOOBS!"

I think the very same thing would be said about two twin men from a different era who died alone together. Back then especially, you got married and had kids. Also maybe pets.

Of course ambitious people are miserable. They are constantly critiquing themselves and challenging themselves against some unattainable greatness.

I know, I had to read this out loud to my husband just for that punch line. Sweet home, SherrrrKago.

That sucks. Don't listen. My latest baby was a gem from day one. All she ever did was sleep and smile. Now she's one and she still sleeps and smiles, plus we taught her tons of adorable tricks. Some babies are difficult, but some are awesome!

That was about Callista, wasn't it? Ah. I wouldn't vote for a Republican short of having a gun to my head, but I like Callista! I dunno, I think she's adorable. Yay, rah for a spouse debate!

Hi! I haven't logged in in a day or so! I talked to my husband about this and he brought up the concern about my kids at something like this. The only other protests I took them to were education-related, but an abortion thing might actually be dangerous for them.

Talk about misusing "rape" - what about the birth control hearings? Stalin and "spiritual rape". Right.