
Yup, that was the part of the article I decided I'm doomed. I was in an accident 12 years ago that damaged the part of my brain that senses smell, so I usually can't smell things unless they are relatively strong. For example I have to look in my baby's diaper to check for poop. But cat pee? I can sense if a cat has

I actually went to Facebook to see if there was an Erin Gloria Ryan fan page. Sadly, there is not. Maybe that's our job!

But you are not running for presidency on the platform of Smoking Is Evil and promising to put a stop to it.

Ha! I posted the same thing. Whoops.

The Golden Girls are my guide to everything . . .

I should just link my Twitter to your publishing feed because seriously everything you write is spot-on.

My dad is one of these guys. He likes all that rhetoric about the government not increasing taxes and not punishing American companies, but he fails to see those tax benefits are for the wealthy (not him!) and the "punishing" laws would help him. But really, the only thing that makes him punch a ballot is the right to

Wow. The baby cries because it's hungry or hurting and they hit it. Horrible. You can't even treat an animal like that.

Really? I have two babies and this whole time I've been afraid of crib slats when the real story is people are twisting their own kids' legs out of anger? Jeez. What next, SIDS is really intentional suffocation? Wait. Please don't answer that.

"Why do republicans consistently vote against their own interests?"

It happened in Japan too. (Sorry this is the best link I could find, it's an old story). This scenario used to terrify me when I was single!

Woah, someone twisted their baby's leg? Like as a punishment? Who thinks of these things!

Amen. Force a woman to stay pregnant and see how it turns out. I wanted and planned my children and have a very stable life and even I get frustrated. I can't imagine if this had been foisted upon me by a missing partner I hated in the first place. *shudder*. Children are gifts, but they are also expensive, demanding

What makes me sick are the figures for children under one. Not that giving a freaking brain injury to an older child is in any way okay, but one can see the logic of discipline getting out of hand and maybe the parent not realizing the power of the spank. But an infant?? Who is disciplining an infant? There is

He's right on about the nutrition. My kids aren't spastic at all because they have a totally boring diet of fruit, greek yogurt, brown rice, edamame and peanut butter sandwiches. They don't even know they are deprived! Mwahahaha!

Like Cain! That is to say, disabling.

I love the bad Courtney. What, you guys didn't grow up on Live Through This? I hate that the world is so fucking PC and polite (which I say from the relative anonymity of this screen name on a thread not likely to be seen by everyone I know). But seriously. Be the bad sister, Courtney. Be who you are. Do it because

Yup, all of this! I even like his hair. Swoon.

I just bought a Living Social deal for tattoo removal for like $300. I have a similar regrettable tattoo story so I feel ya. The deal was in Chicago and might even still be for sale? Good luck!

Is that what they are saying about me? Ah, crap. Just wait till they find out I like piercings and think the gays are fab.