
Well, I was puking while delivering so I did't have to answer in the definitive. But I do wonder what the next questions will be . . . "when will you die?!" . . . "what kind of casket are you thinking?!" etc.

YES, and what sucked was 6 months later we had a miscarriage and stupidly decided to watch our wedding video where everyone's like, "when are you having a baby! We demand babies! Babies are the only thing that matter in your impossibly small life!" A paraphrase.

I really hope this makes you feel better: I am a married 32-year-old woman with kids and when I started reading your post I'm like, "wow, she writes for Jezebel". Not that I don't love my life, but PLEASE know all those mean (mostly female) voices trying to make you feel like shit only get worse when you do get

If they didn't know it was a baby, they wouldn't be getting an abortion. If it was a little potted plant in there, women would give birth to ten of them for the mere price of $0 dollars, put them in the lawn to thrive and go about their business.

I disagree. A rectal exam and a cardiac test would uncover latent cardiac and prostate issues (like cancer) that could be aggravated by sexual activity.

Touche. Well played!

Chicago: Horrible weather, 10.25% sales tax, broken roads, coyotes in the alleys, random shootings everywhere, AWESOME STANCE ON THIS SHIT.

I was "roofied" once and it took me over a YEAR to realize what happened. By some act of God I realized something was terribly wrong when I couldn't stand after two drinks and literally crawled to a cab by myself, fell in my apartment and blacked out for 12 hours. It is just sheer luck I wasn't raped or worse.

"What am I doing, trying to apply logic to women..."

Yay #6! We're a little hetero family shacked up in Andersonville, so there are all types. Also, I was just at roller derby and it wasn't as les as I was expecting.

Yeah. I have a three-year-old who can read so I'm not exactly on the edge of my seat with this one.

Why are they still playing Opps I Did It Again in every store. Tell me the answer to this!

I'm not breaking any laws by teaching what I want to my child. Maybe you should keep your nose in your own business and not worry about what I teach in my home. What's good today is good tomorrow, friend. Do you want me policing you on what you teach your kids? Are we "teaching fear" when we make kids wear seat belts?

Your way certainly creates less conflict. It's a gendered issue in part because the bathrooms are segregated by gender - a man in the women's restroom is more disturbing to me than a woman in there helping.

Touche. Not unreasonable.

No, on the contrary I wasn't happy about volunteer women being alone with her either, so I made the provision with the school that only a teacher can take her. Hence the shit storm - I blogged about it and it was misconstrued that I was urging a policy change (which I was not).

I got caught in the crosshairs of the MRA last year because I dared to publicly say I wasn't cool with volunteer men being alone in the potty with my 2-year-old daughter at her preschool co-op. I think the key difference was that my child was going to be alone with the man, which I want her NEVER to be a part of. It

And he has a man bun. Full circle today, Jez!

Why are they all funny except L-Jo's? What - adoptive parents can't have a sense of humor? Damn China and all their rules. (PS- You also can't be fat.)

Planning your wedding before you even have a boyfriend? Best advice ever! I was in for a rude awakening when I got engaged. I didn't know anything and all of a sudden had to make all these decisions. As a result, my wedding was merely meh. I should have cracked a few bridal mags during my single days for sure.