
Really? I guess I'm not getting that at all because I already have kids. Hm. Maybe I can pump you back up by listing the merits of babies:

I'm so sorry that happened to you. That SUCKS. I can't believe they would hold you down like that. After my first exam I cried for like a half an hour. All they did was turn the lights out for me (?) but I can't say they were terrible.

Why hasn't the internet invented some sort of Backwards Machine to send me this article in the 90's? Chantal you are my hero.

What is interesting is that Murray fails to understand that church-going people are *supposed* to be of a "love thy brother" mindset, which wouldn't condone shaming anyone.

"everything would be fixed with some church sanctioned monogamous dicking"

Are you a huge Greek man who likes dark beer and puzzles? :P

Ah, my friend has not heard of feminist anthropology. Read anything by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy.

Wait, sex AND sleeping afterward? Why did I have kids again??? *sigh* I miss 2007.

I singled out her mother because I am a mother of girls. That is who I relate to in the story. I would be nothing short of sick and in a straight jacket if my 16-year-old was in the middle of the ocean somewhere alone, with no help or support. My husband agrees. If this were on one of his sites and he chimed in, he'd

I had a job at 14. Don't give me that. I was living on my own at 17 and fully supporting myself. It was hell. Sure, I'm stronger because of it but I also recognize the value in still being SOMEWHAT protected at age 16 versus being completely alone on a boat in the middle of the ocean for a year, missing out on

Should we be splitting hairs here? Let's say we call 18 an arbitrary age and toss it out the window. What if this person has consensual sex with a 40 year old man next week - is it statutory, or totally fine since she's a big enough girl to sail around the globe by herself.

Thank you! Amen!

You guys have awesome parents. Kiss them.

Yeah, like wait until she's 18 and/or finished her education? There's a lot of time to sail and not a lot of time to be 16.

If she ran into trouble 100 miles off the coast of China alone in a sea storm who is she going to call? AAA?

This is the second article in as many days that has celebrated a very dangerous feat involving a child. I get praising the accomplishments of women. If this child had grown up first and set sail at age 18+ I would be throwing roses at her feet with everyone else. As it is, 16 is a child.

If it weren't for the bondage element (or maybe specifically FOR the bondage element) I can see people digging this. Not like you're going to walk down the aisle in it, but it could be marketed as a honeymoon thing or boudoir photography prop for people who have gobs of money.

So we're never supposed to judge anyone just because they are pregnant, even if they are on TV seeking attention. Gotcha. So we're all watching Toddler & Tiaras with non-ironic interest and Dance Mom is just another CHOICE! Yay choices!

Absolutely! My husband broke his ankle playing hockey when our first baby was 5 weeks old. We were both steamed about it - me at him and him at himself - for not thinking about the consequences of a dangerous sport. He ended up with a blood clot and all kinds of crap that just would have been better off if he had

Truth be told, I'm not pregnant right now but I know there are a lot of women on here who are. Pardon me for caring more about the readers of this site than some rock climber with something to prove.