
That's ridiculous. Lying motionless in bed and race care driving/rock-climbing are two polar extremes. Nuance. Middle ground. Common sense. This is how to make a world.

You said you feel bad about how *you* looked in L&D, which is somehow my fault for mentioning I was in heels and yes, not all that shabby if you must know. Pregnancy is no different than any other facet of life in that people who care about their looks are not all that concerned with people who don't.

Interesting! I guess it was presented as dangerous, hence the bewilderment that she was doing it for it to be newsworthy in the first place. Whattayaknow . . . people on TV blowing things out of proportion.

So should a race car driver continue driving at warp speeds in her 9th month? What about an astronaut? I know an actual trapeze artist who didn't do her stunts once she was at a certain point because she has a brain.

It doesn't occur to you that I might have also went to L&D by surprise?

If it wasn't to be judged, this segment wouldn't have aired. The whole point is it's really crazy this lady is rock climbing that far along. It's dangerous, which is sadly entertaining to lots of viewers. Ratings sure are worth it, huh?

This rock-climbing lady is obviously psycho. I say take your sweet time and pamper yourself! The vast, vast majority of women in their last month aren't walking a mile to lunch anyway. You're good.

Agreed. There is a time and place to be badass and on top of a rock at 8 months pregnant is not one of them.

It's communal property to be judged if you go o n television to brag that you dangerously rock climb at 8 months pregnant, possibly inspiring other people to attempt to follow suit. If it were just her climbing on her own, I would never know about it to say anything. Yes, I'm judging this lady.

What this woman is doing is dangerous in several ways.

Yup, that's how my kids are. They are born looking three months old. I see those teeny, squishy little red-faced babies and it's completely lost on me.

Omg, duh. Canada. Why don't they just admit they are really nasally Americans already? But seriously, that is the second stupid thing I said this week. When that ship went down near Italy I was like, "it's a real life Titanic!" Um. So was the Titanic.

"You want to be the first child, the second wife and the third realtor." Also a good one!

I know. I may not always agree, but I still love them.

Ah. I need to read between the lines more I guess. I'm like, "huh? American white bread people are all about the daughters".

There's a new(ish) thing that is pretty reliable at around 11 weeks, which is still the first trimester. It has to do with the angle of a certain piece of anatomy before the penis would even develop. It was accurate with my daughter and just done by regular ultrasound.

I'm a little baffled by this. Take a look on gender-selection message boards and the overwhelming majority of those trying to sway the gender of their child want daughters.

"It reads to me [. . .] a single woman who had decided to go ahead and have a kid on her own, when suddenly the full impact of what it meant to decide to take all the on by herself suddenly hit her and she started thinking "wow, maybe it would be better if I'd gone ahead and married Niceguy".]

The picture you paint is one where the man loves the woman *way* more, to the point of real imbalance.

They take their animal suggestions pretty seriously.