
You'd be surprised how many animals' noises you need to invent. The kids are always throwing ants and aardvarks at me during Old MacDonald.

I read that as "hold a knife". I like Kindle way better.

This is the funniest thing I have ever read on Jez. OMG. Maybe it's my lack of sleep and delirium but Tracy Moore, you is a funnie lady! I think I can finish chewing my breakfast without spitting eggs now that the article is over.

Shimmer Faye Monroe

I love this! Everything really is negotiable. I guess I'm outting myself as a Cheap, but I'll confirm I get deals on pretty much every single thing I spend money on.

Also, you may purchase it here for the rather hefty price of $28.

I found it in spanish on You Tube!

PS autocorrect is killing me today and it won't let me edit. "Unusual" is the word.

Don't worry about it! The fact that you care about her getting the facts from you and you're going to start now is more than many people shoot for. Just jump right in like you're explaining eating or the weather. Sex isn't really that us usual, right? We all do it! Good luck!

Hm, my daughter is three and she knows what a period is. We just kind of cover things as they come up. I ripped the awkwardness off like a bandaid the day she was born.

Ah, but have you seen it as an adult? It's AWFUL! I bought it on eBay because I remembered seeing it as a kid and wanted to show my hubs. Through fresh eyes it's so creepy. Ugh. It shows them under the covers making the bed squeak and calling a penis a "johnson". Just the facts, please.

Asking me if I believe in souls is like asking me if I believe in unicorns. It's absurd and a tad condescending.

I disagree that the term abortion has mellowed so much that "pro-abortion" isn't a strong enough label. I think many people are (still) horrified by abortion, myself included.

I hate how you're a pariah if you don't nurse until a year, but the minute past the child's birthday people are quizzing you why you're still nursing. I have an 11-month-old I'm trying to untether and you'd think I'd be in the sweet spot of not getting judged. Nope. I get it from both sides.

Agreed, I just cracked up over the Ricci one.

Yup. I was a confident, reasonable woman before that second pink line showed up. Then not only did I somehow fail my miscarried zygotes (RIP, zygotes!) but I'm also responsible for teething, boo-boos, the flu, vaccines (both the experienced pain of the actual shots as well as throwing them into certain Autism as hyped

WHAT? People say anything to to feel superior, don't they? I had someone tell me *I* didn't really give birth (to two humans I pushed out my vagine, thanks) because I got an epidural. Yup. Didn't "really" give birth and I'm somehow less of a woman than her. I called bullshit on that one and still haven't' let her live

PS- I have two beautiful daughters now so happy endings do happen! (Sorry, I tried to edit the comment, but you must have promoted it in the same second.)

Oh yes. It's the first introduction to Everything Is Mom's Fault. There is a lot of mother-blaming in the culture in general, but no one is harder on a mom than herself. Surely the clump of cells not dividing properly has some scientific source, but the woman having a miscarriage feels like it must have been some

Oooh, Katherine Heigl and I share a really weird common foe: The MRAs! They put her on the same registry as me. It includes a bunch of career feminists, Sharon Stone, Katherine Heigl and me (a person zero people have interest in beyond fixing them dinner and cleaning their socks).