
My employer’s fleet services vehicles involve a ridiculous number of 200s. So I have driven them often for work-related travel.

From the enormous blind spot to the weird little console knob shifter that could be mistaken for fan control, I do not understand why anybody would buy a Chrysler 200. It’s just so awkward.

Even within the framework of serving the state, GIS always could be an enormously positive tool. I’m on the academic side of geography/GIS now, but back in grad school when I was a GIS intern for a county government, I was part of an historic and awesome redistricting effort.

We took the somewhat gerrymandered and

Actually though, it’s just reality. And the fact that it’s even labeled “Bernie math” kind of illustrates how silly this election season has gotten. The DNC repeatedly has asked media outlets to stop counting up who the superdelegates might vote for later this summer, and most outlets continue to ignore this, which is

Well, you have to admit it has been pretty terrible that the Clinton campaign and major media outlets have been portraying the race for months as if she were just about to clinch the nomination. She’s only ahead of Sanders by a little more than 200 pledged delegates and there are still 694 more at stake tomorrow.


Hard-headed? Review the transcript and tell me where his excessive ego or social regressive views come in -

Guy: ...and it’s a fair point that like Internet rumors are not uh you know, court cases or anything... I just wanted to know if like there was any sort of discussion about that on the Show if that was a thing

I felt that it was pretty childish, actually. First of all, there are not even actual allegations against Louis CK, so this isn’t like Bill Cosby at all. If there was a report from even one woman saying that Louis CK had done something inappropriate, it would be entirely different and maybe respectable for the kid to

There’s literally no evidence or even accuser in this case. This is an Internet rumor about a male comedian getting caught masturbating by a female comedian. But you’re suggesting that Jon Stewart, because he shares some political views with the guy, is “failing” to take action against his close friend of 30 years

On the eve of the Iowa caucus at the end of January, I ran into your comments trashing Sanders and his supporters as “sexist regressives.” You called him a political insider and complained generally about his campaign. And it was the same story too- you said you used to give a “big chunk of your paychecks” to him but

He pays the women in his campaign more than the men in his campaign on average. He claims to be “about the people” and he has always consistently voted for legislation in the interest of his constituents and for civil equality. I’m not sure what exactly is hypocritical about the fact that he has won numerous caucus

That seems like a total red herring here. He’s talking about money *corrupting* politics and the influence of big donors. Besides, did you ever stop and think about why the Clinton campaign keeps pushing this point about the “top 10?” It’s because her campaign clearly pays men more than women - and the overwhelming

Right, you - a person who has been long referring to Sanders and his supporters as “sexist regressives” - a person who has criticized him many times on Gawker as an insider with poor decision-making... you inexplicably gave money to his campaign, but suddenly NOW you’re done with him because he criticized a $125,000 a

Gawker is “demonizing Hillary Clinton” by reporting on things she actually said? Oh, okay. Thanks for explaining that.

While there’s definitely a larger and related discussion regarding adulthood, the basics are this -

The law in most places - including Ohio - simply has been that people who will BE 18 by ACTUAL election day are allowed to participate in primaries. Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State decided to misinterpret this as

Some “baby boomer” employees are aware of the problems at my office - and some of those people are in total agreement. It’s the management that doesn’t seem to get it. In their minds, you move up and get paid more as you become more proficient at your job. That’s the historical understanding of labor. But in real life

I work for a large research center at a public university, so all of our salary data are publicly available. Over the past 15 years, my employer relatively lowered the entry-level salary (basically by not raising it with inflation), decreased annual increases from ~5 to ~2.5%, and lowered the salary increases between

This isn’t the first time Donny has whined about how hard he’s had things. For instance he likes to talk about how he was given “only” $300 a month ($460 adjusted for today) from his dad while in college, forcing him to “learn how to make ends meet” (ignoring however, that his Ivy-League tuition, books, food, housing

Tina Fey as “ ‘crazy’ Sarah Palin?” With the exception of a few pretty minor changes to extend rhymes, it was almost exactly what Palin said, verbatim. That’s the craziest part. In 2008, Tina Fey was embellishing and making Palin out to be even more ridiculous (people seem to forget that lines like “I can see Russia

It makes them look especially dumb now that they write the “response” even before the President gives the address. Like a kid who didn’t read the book but wrote a book report anyway, the rebuttal makes them look dishonest and confused at best.