she’s the royal family’s equivalent of an asshole Trump supporter who really only cares about their own bank account, so fuck the others
she’s the royal family’s equivalent of an asshole Trump supporter who really only cares about their own bank account, so fuck the others
Right- so because I keep losing my burner acct password (bulllllshit!), I’ll prob stay in the grays for this comment BUT.....
I don’t want to do those things all the time
That baby needs to get out of the NICU, pull himself up by his bootstraps and get a goddamn job! #nofreeloadingbabies
I think the thing that’s different about the Skimm, for better or worse, is that it takes that fluffy tone and applies it to serious news articles. When Cosmo covers, say, rape on campus, it doesn’t use the same tone as it does for the best bikini for the season.
Absolutely. Sure, “we’ll” pretend to try to save one baby that’s international news-worthy, but all of the hundreds of thousands of them here at home who got diagnosed with pre-existing conditions, and didn’t make the paper? Well, they can just fuck off. Thanks again, President Spray Tan.
I hope Sir is the girl.
I get that, but the employee doesn’t get to decide the requirements of their own job. The answer to “who cares where it happens” is “her boss,” apparently. And the “who cares how many hours we work if the work gets done” thing is extremely telling too, because that’s what people say when they’re not working a full day…
I cannot believe how sheltered these people (Trump supporters (and family)) are. They call US snowflakes while whining (non-stop) on facebook about how mean we are to Trump, TRUMP! A person who built an empire on being mean, a person who whined about Obama for 7 years.
Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?
They literally have it in the cabinet behind them. Stop being faux offended.
Privilege is being able to joke about walking away without thinking about it.
YES that false equivalent shit. Drove me bananas after the election -- maybe we need to sit and listen to trump supporters, find out what they’re feeling and what they’re really angry about. BITCHES VOTED FOR A RACIST I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FEELING JUST FINE.
The same thing as happens when you moisturize anyone’s hair: it depends on the hair. I’m a white girl and I need about a quarter bottle of conditioner, applied twice for as long as possible, then about a quarter cup of pure argan oil after it dries just to keep it a non-frizzy mess. Then I can go a week without…
I must admit that for some time I did think of Allred as a bit of an opportunist. Then I had the great fortune of meeting a woman that she represented against UConn. The woman — Kylie Angell - did a talk after a screening of the documentary It Happened Here which covers five instances of campus sexual assault.…
Sad! A different station should pick her up. It would be great PR.
I love Teen Vogue, I’m relieved that they are around bc most of their readers are probably Kendall fans... they need to know this shit is NOT OK.
I, a 32 year old, recently subscribed to Teen Vogue because of the articles I’ve been seeing them publish over the last year+. It was only $5!
She’s a weasel.