
You don’t want to end up in a situation where folks in poorer areas feel like their homes and stores are not secure, while richer areas just hire private security guards and neighborhood watch patrols out of gated-community-style fees. There’s a risk of that happening with a major replacement of police and the budget

. I was up north yesterday and tried to explain this to somebody i met who said “they burned down the police station” “meh” I said. “they’ll build a new one.

I work at a hospital, that’s not how reporting deaths works. If anything we are over counting the covid cases by conflating them with the comorbidities that the patient present with.  Right now if you die in the hospital WITH not OF Covid you are still listed in the Covid numbers.

That’s assault, I believe.


Early 20's males on ventilators?  Not really a big concern.  Most of them will do just fine.

You’re putting other people’s lives at risk, you popinjay.

There are teams all over the world -attempting- to create an effective vaccine. That doesn’t mean any will succeed.

You will still likely get it. In all likelihood most of us will get it, recover and hopefully be immune for a time. There will probably be no vaccine for this and even if it does by some miracle get created it’s multi-years off.

Believe the ones on your side at least, all the rest are lyin’ sluts.

indeed. I have been ‘independently studying foreign espionage for 25 years.’ I am ready for my tux and Aston Martin now.

General Strike.

Aggregate demand is dead and this long of a stop on consumerism should be sufficient to permanently shift preferences.

I’ve said it before, and will likely say it another dozen times before this is all over, but if the knives don’t come out (figuratively and, if needs be, literally) when we’ve all emerged from our bunkers, there’s truly no hope for this country.

just shrug when some people become critically ill and/or die.

The wealthy know how to make money in both markets.  It’s really not all that difficult tbh.

My mind is blown that the rich folks in this country do not understand that at some point heads will roll. I mean that literally.

She could use that brainpower for good, not evil.

Getting a little tired of everyone acting like the majority of employed people in this country work for minimum wage.

metaphorical blood washes of rather easily.