
Emotional labor: The one who cares least, wins every time.

Yes Farrah Fawcett kicked ass, but her primary character motivation was to look hawt on a 15 year old’s wall.

Yeah. You quoted and re-stated everything I said, while sounding argumentative but not disagreeing or adding anything additional to my post whatsoever.

There is no way to realistically implement this.

io9 wasn’t “Gizmodo’s AV Club” because it wasn’t Gizmodo’s anything. It was its own site.

I have taken to ordering through these companies apps and just picking it up. I like the kiosks well enough when I go in. But given the chance, I pull up the app, customize, place the order, pay and never have to repeat my order to someone who can barely be torn away from their very important Snapgram account while I

It will cause difficulties in revenue calculation?

But I do like to pretend that after the Great Revolution, all of these old wrinkly bags of selfishness will be forced to take part in some Survivor-type show where their only option for survival is to eat each other.

Taxes or guillotines, it’s not a hard choice.

let’s say 75% of that billion dollars invested prudently in a normal, average mutual fund, which draws a normal, average 6% interest per year, that’s $45 million just in interest each year, every year.

How the hell does io9 get so many visits?

and/Or if you put in a ‘treat pocket’ and just happen to load it up from the rear. There are guys that will happily use this as a furry fleshlight, though in all reality just get the fleshlight.

Of course that has literally never happened in real life because people almost never pay attention to what other people are ordering at a bar.

ok, enjoy your life

If only the union they proselytized actually did anything we might be having yogurt posts to this day

So yes, I understand that it’s traffic numbers were not great.

Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you

Yes, there is a lot going on in a hospital. And that makes it easier to fudge all the numbers and get away with it. But at the end of the day, no, the expenses aren’t actually legitimate. They inflate the numbers, they even pay their suppliers inflated amounts as part of their corrupt anti-competitive pricing