
Simply stop doing anything for him: cooking, laundry, dishes, etc. Oh what’s that? He doesn’t have clean socks for work? I’m sure he’ll figure it out on his own!

I want to let you know about half the people you meet think you married her because a woman your age wouldn’t put up your shit and you had to go young enough to be able to manipulate the situation

“Was there no one suitable closer to your age?”

I respect the fact that you are open to bringing another man into the bedroom. Very open-minded of you.

That would be a more reasonable case, but this guy was buying a five dollar drink.

my daughter said no, I have to eat healthier.

Anyways, dude should count his lucky stars he got bun prep, there are much worse places to be stuck for a 10+ hour slam at a fast food restaurant. The fryer is pretty bad, but for my money having worked at McDonald’s, KFC and Taco Bell back in the days of my tender youth, the worst place for the 10+ hour slam is the

Or, and hear me out, we could improve working conditions for all by unionizing.

There was a guy that came into my store, and he’d always have hundreds, and would always get mad when we wouldn’t take it. 1) I don’t set the policy. 2) I literally will not have change if I take your stupid hundred.

This is why I don’t go to movie theaters anymore.

Oh, I know. I’ve looked into solar for my house and yeah; upfront costs I’ve been quoted are too much for me at the moment.

That share of total, tho.

cheap, efficient, renewable - energy technology.

Headline: The world is ending, women affected most.

Hamilton Nolan’s 7th grade thoughts about capitalism/socialism? Or is this now just a satire series?

Though I suspect we may have to go over to TNR to find them.

“A PBM’s mail order or partner pharmacy buys hundreds of thousands of packs of birth control, so they can get it for $4. The small, independent, or new startup pharmacy only buys hundreds of packs, so gets it for $8. Then there’s overhead, cost of labor, shipping, et cetera. So, the PBM reimburses at its price of $4,

Has anyone thought about, I dont know, maybe healing people through love?

What difference does it make to you? A white boy who does little but watch sports and play video games..... a little jail time might actually make you slightly interesting.