
By this logic, we should focus on eradicating cars and toxic materials first, followed by gravity.

In other words, how many more people have to die from guns before you’re satisfied?

Or we could require gun owners to be licensed much like drivers are. What’s wrong with that? Why do people who claim to be “law-abiding” citizens, stand vehemently against background checks?

Yeah because if it’s suicide it’s fine, right? No problem here at all.

Wat are you talking about? 36,000 gub deaths vs 40,000 traffic deaths is pretty damn close.

Cars, poison and workplace safety are all monitored, insured and constantly have new rules implemented to improve on safety.

From the point of view of the buyer or the seller of falling?

I guarantee implementing seatbelts drastically reduced auto deaths. Same with banning drinking and driving.

Lots of people die from medical errors. We should ban doctors.

How would you prohibit falling, legislatively?

What’s your point? We can mitigate multiple death rates at the same time.

The Democratic Party’s old guard can’t seem to get out of the party’s own way, hindering its future—Omar, Tlaib, AOC—rather than embracing it.

The GND is a great plan precisely because Dems can pitch to multiple groups of people: the greens who care about the environment, young folks terrified about their future, and the working and middle class who can see it as a job creator.

Oh there are a couple of reasons Biden is leading over Sanders and Warren.

All the grousing and screeching in the world isn’t going to pass the GND into law without a 60 vote majority in the Senate.  So until that is reality this proposal is still a green new dream.

Policy proposals rarely carry the day in politics. See:every campaign.

People are quick to point out times when polls have been wrong, but I don’t know that polls that indicate the primary field is only two candidates who are miles ahead of everyone else have been wrong in the broad sense that the race really is just between those two candidates.

Most men would rather roll the dice in a room of 99 ladyboys and 1 biological woman before going near this Becky.