Bobby Burns

These are incredibly important points.

If Ariana Grande isn't a baby, then why did she sing the word "baby" that one time and then again that other time?




Um, so are babies. Their skull bones don't fuse for a good while after birth.

THEORY: Ariana Grande medically *must* be carried everywhere like a baby because she got her ponytail from the same place Tobias Funke did.

But what did Costello and CNN producers think they were going to get when they booked her? A nuanced discussion on a very real and troubling aspect of life on college campuses? Please. Princeton Mom's whole view on women and relationships is straight out of a 1950s home ec class.

Does she really carry an orange pen and wear orange-y scarves to reinforce her pathetic, self-proclaimed 'Princeton' brand? I'd like to complete the look by stuffing a large Navel orange into her mouth so we never have to hear any argle-bargle from her again.

beginning to suspect "princeton mom" is actually a robot controlled by a cartel of sentient polyester scarves

Agreed! Plus she's pregnant. I feel like messing with pregnant ladies will get you, at the very least, some side eye.

She's so freaking nice and gracious all the time. She deserves a hint of "fuck you, I'm a duchess" once in a while.

"Does she know the fuck I am? I'm doing her a solid by being here."

Hahaha, I love it! She's like, "did this bitch really just tell me to keep wrapping?" Yes Kate, no slowing down, no fraternizing - you've got presents to wrap.

Jesus Christ: Up. I still can't even talk about that movie. I knew my now-husband was a keeper when he all but crawled into my seat in the theater to comfort me through my blubbering. I AM WELLING UP RIGHT NOW. If Up is on in an electronics store, I have to leave.

Taco Tuesday suddenly has a purpose.

All the feminists I've met and talked to in my life have been leaps and bounds more respectful of men than non- or anti-feminists are, simply because they know how toxic gender roles are, and that simply because men are privileged over women doesn't mean they aren't subject to them either. This whole idea of misandry



Totally agree re: major body work. I got my third and fourth arms attached just before college, and it really helped me balance course-work and husband hunting.