
One of my friends told me that out of the 13 girls in her elementary school classroom, 9 of them had “Marie” as a middle name. I think it’s pretty common :)

As far as insults go, they’re not so bad. There are classist undertones, but there are lots of “rednecks” who identify as such.

I moved to a new town not long ago and didn’t have many friends at first. I was invited to go to the birthday party of an acquaintance- on my birthday! I told no one. I was mortified of what would happen if I showed up like BUT IT’S MYYYY BIRTHDAY, TOOOOOOO!!1!

I like where your head’s at.

I looked up the IRC and there’s actually an office pretty close to where I am living! I just emailed them with my resume, so maybe I can get an internship for the next year and see where that takes me.

I think it’s the latter- I can’t imagine doing anything that’s both meaningful and makes money. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do?

Station Eleven style? I’m in.


I’m actually finished with the coursework, but it would be another 2 years or so of dissertation writing before I would get the actual Ph.D.

THANK YOU! That was exactly the boost I needed :)

Thank you!! I was struggling with my desire to leave the program, especially since I’m so close to starting my dissertation. I think it’s better this way- in the end, I just want to do something that makes me happy, and these past few years have shown me that this isn’t the path for me.

That’s an interesting idea! I’m already swimming in student debt, and I’m not sure how much more I’d like to take on, but it’s definitely something to consider.

I gotta leave to go to a birthday party, but I really need SNS, so I guess here will have to do!


I don’t know!!! He’s telling me stories at dinner about how silly his grandpa is and how his sister is going to love me, and then it’s LOL NOPE BYE. What are these mixed messages? Why can’t you just say something clearly for once?!?!


Late to the party, but does anyone know if there’s a dating service for awkward people who say the wrong things at the wrong times? I might be single forever without one :(

Nulliparous woman here! I’ve had my Mirena since October, and I’m pleased as punch.

Hahahahahah, the Duggars! Hahahahahahahahahaha. Sometimes I forget they exist and then you remind me. Lol.