
I agree! I’ve been solidly single for a while and don’t have a boyfriend/marriage on my radar, but I drooled over this. They’re all so beautiful.

Will you include free sample-sized portions of poison in the goody bag at the end?

Lol... It isn’t, necessarily, but I meant that the kind of people who take selfies while breastfeeding (at least the ones I know) are all the super hippie crunchy-granola types :)

I said it the other day (yesterday?) and I’ll say it again: “brelfie” should be when you take a selfie at brunch. Eggs benedict > “blah blah blah I breastfeed aren’t I so granola and I need to let the world know”

Uggghhhh internet window shopping will be the DEATH of my Ph.D.

Those EYES!!! So cute!!!!

“How To Fight Loneliness” by Wilco

Brelfies should be selfies at brunch.

Have you seen the SNL skits about her?

GAH! I had a moment like this last night. I almost never wear make-up, but when I was out dancing last night, I looked around and saw that every other girl had on make-up and looked fabulous. I started feeling really self-conscious about my face (I’ve been having some bad acne lately) and wished I would stop being

Sounds good! Here's $10 for you! Haha

Uh huh. Cough syrup.

That is ridiculous. Also, I have no idea where you live, but if it’s around DC, I’d be more than happy to come help you out with groceries/moving boxes/whatever!

I was hung over and walking down the street, when I suddenly had to vomit. I threw up all over the lawn where the parish priests lived.

YES. Also the Badlands! I always tell foreigners that foreigners go to NYC/Chicago/Miami/LA/etc on vacation, but real Americans go to South Dakota on vacation.

I am SO relieved that this turned out to be a tourist commercial for Veracruz.

Ya lo sé pero me extraña que diga "¡Disfruté!" en vez de "¡Disfrute!" ;)

...Why does it say "disfruté" and not "disfrute"?

The first time I was buying weed, I didn't know what to do. The dealer told me to come over to his apartment, and I assumed that we would exchange weed/money at the door. Instead, he started leading me through a dark, scary hallway and down the stairs into his place. I stammered something like "Oh, I've never been

Half of an oreo fell out of my mouth when I realized that is your actual butt. I am suffering from severe butt envy right now. How do you not have any cellulite?!