Only the highest of Septons actually get it

Uh, isn’t that why the Democratic Party supports the current immigration situation, which is rapidly changing the demographics of the country in a way that benefits the Democratic Party?

I was kinda hoping he would have said he regretted it based on the Muslim travel ban, or the embrace of kkk/neo-nazi/nationalists in Charlottesville, or maybe the banal cruelty of the expulsion of undocumented immigrants.

If I had a nickel for every time I fell for how it looked from the back...

Aaand now I’ve got the theme song stuck in my head, so thx for that!

It’s safe to assume that if the science was real and accurate, it would have been peer reviewed and somebody would have VC funding to open a park already.

Dammit. Thought you and 42 others had replied to my comment!

Nothing makes me angrier than Republicans calling things Obama did a “presidential overreach.”

To all white women who voted for this monster

Honorable mention - how about these guys? (Scariest clowns I know)

Most important takeaway from Interstellar is never, ever, ever try to rescue Matt Damon from outer space.

If I had a nickel for every time I wound up eating a vegan...

what prevents us from launching 2 or 3 thousand tomahawk missiles

Back in 2007, the tunnel through the Newhall Pass was the scene of a horrific fiery crash, partly due to the “black hole” effect. In bright sun, you just couldn’t see what was in the tunnel ahead, so it was very similar to driving into a dense fog, where the lead car slows and those following don’t...

Like it or not it is a commonly used abbreviation/nickname

Best part was when he grabbed the ball and the race umpire yelled “SAFE!”

Back in ‘04, Schumacher qualified at Monza with 1:20:637 (give or take) and in 2016 Hamilton qualified with a 1:21:854, so the “modern” track is arguably longer and less competitive than it was in Schumacher’s day.

There are no “peaceful” Nazi viewpoints

Trust me. They are ONLY interested in getting you to buy another bottle of beer. And if better tasting beer is what it takes, then dammit, that’s what they’ll do!

So actually BATFE does exactly have the public interest at heart. At the end of the day, the charter of profit-bearing corporations is to return a profit to the owners. The charter of the government is to provide for the public good. So BATFE doesn’t have a reason to exist that isn’t related to the public good. Just

Okay, check this out: The DHS and FBI just declared Antifa domestic terrorists.