Only the highest of Septons actually get it

Trumpsterfuck, or, a ClusterTrump if you’re in polite company

don’t have the public interest at heart

So it’s a F&F ripoff with an all-white cast led by Dirty Harry’s kid

sending the message that if people support his agenda

It is absolutely their strategy. As CEO, when you find programs in place that you don’t like (Six Sigma, Lean, etc.) you just put people who also don’t like those programs, in charge of those programs.

I heard this somewhere, it seems appropriate:

How dare you! ONE OF the dumbest comments???

Gotta disagree.

FLASH would be an admission that the Large Hadron Collider triggered the current Flashpoint, and our hopes of getting back to our original reality and timeline are just about nil at this point.

He knew who the parents were, but the writers didn’t add the secret wedding until after he had checked Third-Bird-Eye-Ancestry.com

There - fixed it.

Tom Llamas will rat you out if you go to the supermarket

Theon is in position to totally fuck up Cersei’s plans for the Golden Company, and by extension, her plan to wait out the war. And he didn’t even have to grow a set of balls to get there!

A scene with Sansa getting the lowdown from Bran would explicitly declare that she didn’t know Littlefinger was plotting, and also that she did suspect and fear Arya. Those points might have to be retconned later, so better to leave it to speculation exactly when and how the sisters started planning to take him out

In S6 the whole “Hodor” origin was about the walkers breaking the magical seal to get to Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven. So once the seal was broken, they were capable of getting through the wall, right?

Because the chains strongly imply that there is a white walker city somewhere, with dead horses in stables, and dead blacksmiths making dead horseshoes and forging massive iron chains. (Hot forged or cold forged?) Either that, or the chains are artifacts that have been lying around for 8,000 years wince the last time

Stars!!! More stars!!! My KINGDOM for more stars!

would it be fiscally responsible to design a building using tax dollars to withstand an event that may never happen again