Only the highest of Septons actually get it

Look it up yourself. Let me know how your toothbrushes work out.

Did you purposely leave out the red lights in the rear view mirror?

In related news tonight, a new study explains that unicorn farts could be causing more rainbows. Film at 11:00.

What definitions? Those are examples. If you want definitions to prove they mean the same thing and it’s only a matter of semantics, you provide one.

Good point. In the current system, the money comes from people who buy insurance. And not everybody buys insurance. But Medicare is funded through payroll taxes, so just about everybody (who works) pays into Medicare. So you could speculate that raising mandatory Medicare taxes and making private health insurance

Yeah, so that’s the point.

PS - you should look up the meaning of semantics. A “manufactured” conversation is used to persuade:

Hate to break it to you, but if you’re this big of an ass in real life, the people who come into your house to watch your pets are probably already rummaging through your computers, checking the contents of your sock drawers, and using your toothbrush to wipe their asses. You should set up spy cams, my friend, because

Why would somebody list a return address on an “anonymous” letter? Suspect that part, at least, was spoofed, as it’s the address for a country club.

Um, no. No semantics here.

Back in the day, humorous Unix admins would program networked workstations to capture the first login attempt to a text file and display a generic error message while redirecting the user to an actual login page.

Why yes, they did. For only $150-165K per course of treatment. So if healthcare was a real capitalist for-profit enterprise in an unregulated market, only those who could afford the $150,000 would get the cure.

Is that your fantasy of what happened? Best selling fiction writer isn’t in your future sad to say.

Conversation was imagined, not manufactured. It was intended to show that none of us know all of the facts that led up to the incident, so a lot of the judgement being shown here is what I consider premature and/or misplaced.

Not the boss’s car, not the boss’s call

Wow you really are a fucking moron

*Junior! Take this out for a test drive.

Not your car, not your call

Um, is this Texas? Because then trans people would have to report to the jail that corresponds with the gender on their birth certificate?

Um, this is why the TV preachers are coming out to say Harvey was some kind of punishment from God, right? OK, well this and the bathroom laws, right? OK, OK, this, the bathroom laws, the anti-abortion laws, and the anti-LGBQT adoption laws, and the secession drive, right?