
You mean the Estados Unidos?

Mexico and Canada? I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here. My issue is saying “America” to describe one country in the American continents.

“Fuck off. Don’t come around unless you want to buy some weed. Or you got some weed. You don’t got any weed, do you?”

Fucking Canadians trying to be nice all the time. No one is THAT nice. The sooner we turn that whole area into North Texas, the better.

Fuck you Ashley, we’re just trying to be nice.

There were plenty of African Americans in the West, and “forced diversity” is how they got here in the first place.

Speak AMERICAN you damn commie

Perhaps Canada could remind us that the reason they had Harper for 9 years is because their liberals can’t agree on a single party to vote for, thus allowing Harper to win three elections with under 40% of the vote every time despite a solid majority of the country not wanting him to lead.

“We thought we’d just send you a little love note. We like you guys.”

Time to build that ice wall.

Canadian beer sucks. There, I said it. What are you going to do about it, Canada? Burn down the White hou....

Sort like the idea of Rockstar doing a Metroid game, didn’t even know I wanted such a thing until now.

Look, I love Canada. They’re awesome. That being said, it’s not like they don’t have electoral issues from time to time.

It’s “threw a dog” not “throwed”!

I graduated in 2011 and still remember using AIM and AOL back in 2000.

I was born in 91 and I was knee deep in AIM antics. Friends in my home town were more into MSN Messenger so it all probably just depended on where you lived.

Yes, but she is so much more “electable” than Bernie Sanders! At least, that’s what they were telling us in spite of the fact that he was trouncing Trump by double digits in June, while Clinton was pretty much where she’s always been—weaving in and out of the margin of error.