
It must be nice to have a life you don’t think intersects with politics

Well, if they wanted to laugh, why’d they go to an Amy Schumer show?

I’m sure Frank Caliendo will pop back into town to do another hour of Pacino impressions

Why do I demand that Quentin Tarantino direct the single-layer campaign?

RED DEAD REVOLUTION! Because the game is gonna be about the Mexican Revolution or the Mexican American War.

Redead Redemption

Here I couldn’t even get my nerf football back.... They stored confiscated goods in the special education classroom and those kids had literally shredded it.

This was funny and all but wheres our Shop Contest! Lol

The only surprise here should be that it’s a woman’s butt....

The difference is that the 9/11 lawsuit will be against foreign brown people.

The Overwatch player did issue an actual apology though, without excusing or qualifying himself and his actions. So kudos to him for that, rather than playing the victim like some presidential campaigns I know.

My locker room talk consists entierly of nuanced discussions about the size and design of various locker rooms.

Let’s split the difference and agree that the flight attendant is an idiot without insulting people based on their professions.

In all fairness, this was the first black doctor to show up, and everyone decided he was an idiot.

My friend was all pumped because he cracked 380 last night. Can’t wait to share the news! lol

then he just lost my vote.

Loved Lost Vikings as a kid. would love a N3DS one too.

Fuckin big brain over here ^

He played one of the dudes who were hired along with Mike from the pharmacist. Mike quickly got rid of him and the others tho.