
At least it wasn’t a confederate flag!

In his rebuttal to this latest story, Donald Trump, Republican presidential nominee, literally fucked a feral dog on stage in front of thousands of supporters while they cheered on.

He truly hates everyone that isn’t him. Democrats, Liberals, Moderates, Blacks, Hispanics, Women, Fat People, Young people, Old people, Muslims, Disabled people, POWs, Other rich people who disagree with him, Poor people who don’t agree with him....the man is a bag of hate.

Trump knows all the n-words. No one knows more n-words than Trump.


I a­m m­a­k­ing 8­5 bu­ck­s h­ou­rl­y f­or w­ork­­i­ng fr­­om ho­me. I n­ev­­er th­o­ug­ht th­­at i­­t wa­s­ le­­g­­it bu­t m­­­y ­be­st f­r­ie­nd­ is ea­rni­­ng 1­­0 th­­ou­­­­sa­nd do­­ll­­ar­­s a ­mo­­­n­­th b­y wo­­­rk­­in­g o­­n­­li­ne a­­nd sh­­­e r­ec­­omm­­­en­­de­­d m­­e t­­o t­r­­y i­­t. T­ry i­­t o­­ut on

Is this a question of life imitating art, or art imitating life, or a mockingbird imitating everything, perfectly? Yeah, we get it mockingbird, you’re good with all kinds of animal sounds and you had the greatest American novel of the twentieth century written after you. Yeah, you’re so fucking special, the memo’s

“We need a tank”

And what about the drinks?

To be fair, part of the reason you had that feeling was because it was accurate. O’Dimm WAS far more threatening than Eredin, the “skeleton looking ice elf guy” who was the leader of the Wild Hunt and the main antagonist of the main game. In fact, it’s pretty easy to argue that O’Dimm was the strongest and most

This is Wong on so many levels.

What we need is to legalize sex work completely. Once it is out of the shadows and decriminalized, then it will be much easier to sort out the sex trafficking from those who have willingly chosen that line of work.


“Time to sell some pro-PAIN.”

“Trump Steak Fries” are now available at abandoned Circuit City’s everywhere!!

This would have been such a great splice for The Cuck.

Thith article ith prithleth!

The Irish dilemma. If you have a potato do you eat it now or wait for it to ferment and drink it.

It’s reading stories like these that let me realize how lonely and sad I am again.

She later learned that it was just some random cosplaying her boyfriend.