
What the fuck?

So Japanese Olaf is made of a different kind of snow...

+1 bamboozle

I like to use an r-99 and either the spitfire or prowler with select fire. I don't have to worry about silly things like headshots or accuracy. Just aim for center mass and hip fire 

In the end, capitalism always eats itself.

You know what, I wish Andromeda had been Bioware’s last game. Yes it was flawed but at least it was trying to change it up, most of the errors like facial glitches were easily fixable, and most of the flaws were down to a ridiculously short dev cycle bereft with office politics bullshit.

You’re right. That opinion is unpopular.

You knew your take was shitty, and that this wasn’t the place for it, and you decided to put it out there anyway. You’re an asshole.

Add this to the list of reasons I remain steadfastly Team Hayter in the grand “Kojima is a Star-Humper” fiasco that was the VA team for Metal Gear Solid V.

...and yes, I know there are narrative developments in that game that justify the switch, but it was still a fuckjob, and Sutherland was awful.  Don’t @ me.

No buy for me. I can’t find the value paying full price for a FTP game model and give the game publisher a pass that this practice is acceptable.

Same, haven’t even started Forsaken campaign yet so I’ll be doing some this weekend!

“Given this fact, a rebuttal based on Demons Souls’ features kinda doesn’t hold as much weight when considering the context within which most Souls players encountered the series. For most Dark Souls 1 represents the base line for the series.”


Very few thought “he seems smart.”  Most thought, “fuck Hillary Clinton.”

Well it’s really no big deal if the evangelicals feel that they need to use violence of their own to as a preemptive measure against their opponents. It’s not like Jesus said anything in the Bible about the immorality of violence and strongly condemned his followers for using it.

I am surprised about the fact women willingly have sex with that.

Temporary Nazi professor, got it 😒

One is enough.