Go kill yourself you ignorant pile of shit
Go kill yourself you ignorant pile of shit
Fishing Hamlet? Did it twice, don't recall Simon. Seems like a good excuse for anothe run through tho.
Man, Halo 2 is definitely the high water mark for gaming for me and specifically for bungie in so many ways. Shame to see what happened between O’Donnell and bungie over Destiny.
Why would any woman ever want to have sex with this rotting pile of cured ham? Seriously?
Ive done 5 play throughs of bloodborne and have no idea who Simon is, nor do I have recollections of his presence. My brain is dying.
I wanted to make a gta 4 stars cop chase joke but I'm not clever enough
The corporations that benefit monetarily from incarceration can pay to keep this from happening through legal and lobbying methods long enough that if it ever went anywhere climate change will have already killed most of us off.
Great idea, wholly agree.
My only issue with that article is that I hate high school teenagers and therefore don't care for an article covering their bullshit. Interesting article but fuck teenagers.
Any fan of the series already knows about this. I’m wondering whom this will interest.
Try tongue but whole
Fifty threeeeee percent of white womeeeeeeeen!
For context: the USA is aright of center EMPIRE. The most progressive agenda in a right of center EMPIRE is equivalent to the least smelly turd or the least deadly cancer.
Kill yourself
Fuck all micro-transactions to hell.
B-but civility!!
Souls are forfeit when you join the military.
Johnny Bravo on Manly Guys. It’s gonna be a good ass Sunday.
Yeah let's all feel bad for Richie rich. Fuck him and fuck you. You are literally a moron.
I know this sounds douchey but if you think Gwyn is hard you need to learn to parry.