
I’ll start giving a fuck about a Nazi’s kid when Nazis stop putting brown skinned kids in prison. Until then, fuck them all.

Nope, fuck him. 

Not even “citizens”, they don't see these children as fucking human beings.

They’re brown though, they have no rights in Murica!

When are YOU going to die? I’d rather known that.

Oh boy, I fucking LOVE getting Fortnite invites while I’m in the middle of doing something completely unrelated. Please keep sending me invites mid raid!

We might be surprised...

I can see how it’s shitty that as a woman if you go left people can still berate you about your white privilege and if you go right the right will still oppress you.

Yeah, it sucks to be hated for things that are completely out of your control.

Yeah, it’s unfortunate they decided to show the entirety of the game’s gameplay this early on in development.

Let’s be honest, this game is coming out in 2025. You won’t see concrete stuff about it for years.

Those hundreds of people are also there by necessity of the medium. If we were talking about literature where a single person can be the sole heart and engine for a book then we wouldn’t second guess it.

In a world with 17 call of duty games, loot boxes and pervaisive online only games it’s not hard to stand out a creative. Most games in this league (AAA or near) are storyless multiplayer, shooter looters, battle royales or military porn simulators.

Probably has to do with that handcuff thing he has on and those dog tags from the first trailer that had what I believe were math or physics equations engraved on them.

I feel like I just had an acid trip flashback. What the fuck lol.

It’s a shame they can’t get Destiny level gun play. If they could it would be a day one purchase for me.

This statement is off by about a few hundred years of ruling the world through slavery, exploitation and oppression.

But it has been fair for white people to paint minorities with this brush for literally hundreds of years?

Farmers and workers.

They say right wing libertarian and I say Nazi scum.