
Brown people.

More of a reason to deregulate, amirite?

Farmers and workers.

They say right wing libertarian and I say Nazi scum.

Given this last election i’d say it’s fair to paint whites with the same brush they paint everyone who isn’t white. A broad, often violent, unfeeling brush.

On the one hand yay.

Warm cereal is the shit you Honey Bunch of Fucking Philistines.

This is a dumb take, everyone hobbyist culture has its hardcore elements and a more casual audience. That’s literally never gonna.

Nothing if you want to be an obtuse contrarian for the mere sake of it. Enjoy your ignorance!

If you can’t see how a bound up woman in a basement with a helpless child has allusions to sexual assault, particularly regarding the myriad of media that has almost assuredly influenced the writer’s persoecrive, then there is nothing more to say on that matter.

Jesus fucking Christ, this is so fucking inhumane...


Devoid of emotion? That’s a laughable take.

The captain of my third grade soccer (fútbol, whatever) team was always number 10 and we though he was such a badass. No bicycle kicks though.

It was also life in Central America. I lived in Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua and Super Campeones (Captain Tsubasa) was a way of life for kids when I was growing up. Fuuuuuck, so much nostalgia.

Depends on the melanin content of the “citizen”.

Trump pardon incoming in 3,2,1...

Connor is privileged on the basis of how Cyberlife treats him. He is special and therefore not being sold like a toaster the way Kara was. It’s true he is still used as a tool but that’s what makes his character more dimensional.

Nope, never said it was immoral. It’s just lazy, shittt character development.