
Bound up women in basements carry no sexual undertones in modern media, especially when considering the bulk of previous media that influenced this work.

The problem is that Kara is almost entirely defined by abuse from before you even get to control her and that doesnt really change through the whole game. Markus losses his privileged life early on but his character is still largely defined by the privilege he had prior to becoming a deviant.

Bigotry is a primal form of radicalism. I think we both know it cannot be suppressed that easily. Taking that into account, i’d rather know who my enemies are. Not to say anyone is beyond redemption (in terms of blanket statements) but, as the saying goes, keep your enemies close...

I don’t have to prove a single thing to people who can understands subtext and influence.

I disagree. I know what sequence you’re referring to but being “born” into abuse and living through it is way different than being “born” into privilege and having said privilege taken away.

Daniel was way better off than Kara, he wasn’t beaten to “death”. The scene where Markus gets beaten up is optional, I myself missed it on my first playthrough.

Through the lens of my own life I likened it to a redemption story for an ICE officer which, as an immigrant, I found quite compelling. I might be biased but, yeah, i found Connor’s story quite good.

There were two scenarios that clearly had sexual undertones that could be considered as traumatic for Kara. The rest had less to do with her gender and more to do with analogues for legal status and being marginalized by the ruling class, such as having to find shelter after getting off the bus, trying to get by an

Markus had privilege with his owner. False equivalency.

Meh, the Connor story was fairly interesting.

There’s a lot of sexual undertones in that scenes for sure. It’s not the central point or on the nose but given the history of media that undoubtedly influenced Detroit there are definitely sexual undertones.

No, Markus had a privileged life with his owner and Connor is literally an android hunter with the most privilege to the point where he can’t die unless he goes deviant.

I’d rather have bigots out in the open than secretly within potentially important roles in society tho.

I’d like to think this is something that’s will progressively get better and newer writers come into prominences, but it’s hard for me to tell. I dont see Cage changing anytime soon in this regard but hopefully someone else will show up in the industry with less gender and racial bias.

I agree. I also think the only semi worthwhile character in Detroit was Connor. I still enjoyed Heavy Rain, Beyond and Detroit, despite their flaws, but it would be nice to have more nuanced writing where the female characters always get thins sort of treatment. I don’t think Cage is capable of that at this point.

You not understanding the pervasiveness of lower class exploitation and neofeudalism as it pertains to modern society doesn’t make this a construction-only issue. People could have died or been maimed doing their jobs partially because of an upper class’ whims, making it a class issue.

Jesus Christ this guy’s view on women’s rights is literally sharia law...

Oh for fucks sake human beings could have been killed or maimed because someone just had to have an unobstructed view of all the plebeians down below and necessitated a single, huge glass pane instead of possibly multiple smaller ones because of the modern feudalist mentality, never mind the fact that no one needs to

If voting was powerful it would be illegal.

Holy shit, wintereenmas has come early