
That’s a really stupid response, but I applaud you for ignoring the core problem of human society and shrugging your shoulders with entitlement.

Uberwatch? Halonite? Destinygrounds? Oni Hunter: Ringworld? Installation: 76?

This post makes me sad

That just sounds like another case of the rich sacrificing the poor to maintain their luxuries i.e.: floor to ceiling windows at the expense of safety for the workers.

America isn’t a fucking country, it’s a continent.

Two thoughts:

I quit a decade ago, I’m just not such a fuckstick that I’m willing to say “go ahead and take the smokers, they deserve it” you fucking dick holster.

I’m looking for that shinespark cosplay.

Brave stance, scumbag. Sounds like you’ve had nothing but privilege shoved up your ass all your life, you walking fucking pile of “personality defects”. Go fuck yourself.

First they came for the smokers

“Bullshit, fuck off.” - Quantic Dream

A lot of of people don’t have the luxury of escapism, such as the children ripped away from their families thanks to the Gestapo. Sorry to get in the way of your fragile privilege.

If your aim is to be spongebob that’s definitely a sell out move. That being said, however, no one has the right to tell him what to do. Certainly not the “fans”.

This seems familiar, what movie is this from?

If your options are a long walk or exploding into a rasist rant just take walk. Your blood pressure will thank you.

Dumb logic. Thats like saying if I can’t game the tax system as well as trump then trump didn’t game the tax system.

So its halo’s juggernaut mode in a battle royale?

Go fuuuuuuuuck yourself you whiny bitchy diiiiiiickhead.

I believe the LIRR has assigned quiet cars. I commute a lot and it’s not rare to see obnoxiously loud people on those trains, especially when there’s some sports event happening. Hell, people openly drink on those trains. If the guy wanted silence he just had to move a fee cars, no big deal.