They also Have Titanfall 2 and Call of Duty infinite Warfare at those price points today...
They also Have Titanfall 2 and Call of Duty infinite Warfare at those price points today...
I’ve read that doing math equations in your head will allow your brain to be distracted and let you start urination. It works for me when I have “stage fright” at a long line of urinals...
Has anyone had increased trouble catching Pokemon after this update? It seems they have made it more difficult to catch even the basic ones now... (breaking free of pokeball multiple times) If its true It might be a way for them to try to increase their revenue... which is a sticky subject of making a free to play…
Well the way that the company has been working lately shows that they are aiming to make the most potential profit in the shortest amount of time at the expense of customer support/happiness...
They are just trying to protect their franchise... If they killed off a character and made the relationship between Cap and Ironman unworkable it’d be hard for their lazy writers to write them into Infinity War...
I agree, Dana White helped mould the UFC into the huge entertainment entity it is today. Just because he is a jackass does not take away from this accomplishment.
How about you show us some of your work before commenting on someone else’s being shit. Until you do that, you are just some no talent hater.
Guess it’s time to finally bring back DDT...
Isn’t it a bit risky to have military planes look very similar to 737 passenger jets? A bit of confusion could result in a passenger plane being shot down like what happened in the skies above Ukraine...
There is another side to the coin as well. As someone who worked private security in the past there are a lot of injuries to security personnel from drunken and belligerent customers. Any event where large amounts of alcohol are consumed there will be confrontations/injuries.
Why do you have so many credit cards? Isn’t 10 Credit cards considered a lot of credit cards?
Back in the day it used to be called the Favre Punt and it was on 3rd down...
The political correctness has hit game reviews now... There is no such thing as a good game or bad game...
Clearly it is a fake out so that Pettine doesn’t have to make a statement about benching him after his drunken shenanigans. Easiest way out is to say he isn’t playing due to a concussion. It’ll be better for the organization if they can unload both of them from this garbage fire of a team...