
I have the dog set and it’s a solid set. They’re plastic and lightweight. Not quite as detailed as in the promo pics but good nonetheless. With a good paint job I bet they’d shine. These guys ran a good Kickstarter, regular communication and they shipped pretty close to the original ship dates. 

We would have been here sooner but there was a moose on the loose.

Ha, that gave me a gouda laugh.

Hold it, hold it. Is this a kissing book?

When I was a kid we got Lender’s Bagels because you could buy q bunch on sale and stock up the freezer and I thought they were the shit. Then I moved to NYC and realized I had been fed a lie

If you can just download Nilsson Schmilsson which has a lot of his hits on it. Like the Coconut song, and Jump Into the Fire as well as Gotta Get Up.

Artemis had a protagonist who was smart, driven, and really good at space. I know because the book told me so, many, many times.

We have our mortgage with Wells Fargo, although we haven't had any problems stories like this make me nervous. From what I learned when we were applying for the mortgage, mortgage banks will often sell off the mortgage after a period of time, and Wells Fargo buys up a lot of them. It's not something that should affect

This is how I make it at home, in the shell. Plus it looks cool. Although clams in a can, which is how my mother makes it, do last on the shelf much longer.

Even if the Founding Fathers didn’t explicitly say that masterbating in front of your female employees is covered by the First Amendment, it's obviously implied. 

Sounds kinda like a Dagwood. 

What would you suggest the ratio of miso and brown sugar to butter should be?

He’s a Texas Republican, so I’m sure he’s a terrible monster. But gotta be honest, that fake eye is kinda bad ass.

I had never heard of tipping pre tax until I met this one friend of mine and his girlfriend at the time many years ago. Every time we'd all go out together she'd insist you tip pre tax, and also that you don't tip on drinks! Because they just bring them to you, or because of the mark up or something. Never made sense

I followed the link to your Glazer interview from 2014. There's an infographic listing 10 random celebrities in his cellphone. One of them is former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogel. Wonder if he still has that contact?

Other fanbases are just jealous because Jets is a hard word to spell.

Drunk History did a pretty good segment on Smalls

My buddy turned me onto Breaking Bad when we were stuck in my apartment during Sandy. First couple episodes I was like, this show is interesting but of course they have to saddle Walt with the cookie cutter cliche of the jerk brother in law. My friend said, just watch. By end of the first season I think Hank was my

Step 4: Profit