
The new costumes for JL look clunky & terrible, I wished they could’ve done something better than just bad origami.

People can grow up even when they’re adults, AB looks like he’s finally got the introspective part working. Families can heal from bad language, take it from me as someone who’s taken insults with composure & ready to forgive when effort is made. It takes time & you don’t forget but we move along.

In sparring & fights I always take into consideration where I’m striking an opponent whether or not it’s going to leave a lifetime injury, I’ve never seriously hurt someone to get things over with quick. I just can’t have this type of crap on my conscience. I can get things done just as well without crippling someone

Please let there be a movie some day with this!

Sounds like a combination of real world data & artistic liberties, I once pulled off building my entire workplace to scale in Halo MC collection. A few of my friends are into gaming as well, I loaded up my level & after a bit they were saying it seemed familiar & then it clicked in their heads where they were. Stephen

What I like is trying to get better grades, some of the A+ stuff really makes you work for it.

My god, can’t wait for this! I’ll be on my bunk.

If car companies included external speakers that played whatever sound we wanted to keep the public safe I’d chose a Tie Fighter or the Millenium Falcon.

I though it was a Canadian firm was hired instead of an American firm to create the site.

I’ve no complaints with GTAV online system, I currently have $32 million after buying the Vigilante. I run heists, bunker & hanger stuff besides the usual missions with friends, we are all very well off & have never once needed to buy a single Sharkcard or mod an account. Rockstar has done a great service to players

Milking it.

Shouldn’t Trumps account also be banned for encouraging this type of behavior?

I though that the governor of MT son once worked for Whitefish, any truth to this?

He deserved to get fired.

As if safety wasn’t a concern already some moron pulling in 6-7 figures a year pulls another dumb one, these cars are so quick someone could easily after losing control & hitting one of these get in an even worse situation.

3D printing the panels & making his own chassis definitely gets my nod of approval, great build.

EA is a scum of the earth company at this time, rampant price fixing games by big names is at an all time high. Fueled by fanboys that preorder & pay anything no matter how ridiculous just makes it worse.

Trombone exhaust.

Wasn’t this multi tone exhaust thing part of the late 90's, I thought it died out as being just a passing fad.