
How can some people be so gross care about what this is doing to the world, it’s not like this isn’t all over the news and people don’t know any better. This is as bad as Trump ignoring Covid, “oh it’s ok just keep banging it will be over in a week, nothing to see here fake news!” Dumb idiots, crumbling the world for

I’m sure I’m not the only vault raider crossing my fingers that Bethesda finally retires the outdated graphics engine and start using something that has as good or similar graphics as the U5 engine.

We still have consumers gullible enough to pay hideous amounts of money to slightly better & in some cases average quality just because the products are made by a certain label. You will pay this price because I say it is bespoke, low batch blah blah.

This is getting worse, just from the trailer alone you can tell GK is going to be a steaming pile. This confirms it now, between the color pallet & game play they lost my vote.

Micro transactions drove a wedge between me & Halo, also that steaming pile of what they made & called the Halo TV series. The original MC series & Reach were the pinnacle for me & so many others I know. They destroyed what could have been a show of epic scope & scale, it feels like the didn’t research enough or to

Doc are you telling me you built a time machine out of a Porche?

I can smell the new car smell from that picture, they should make a Ferrari car interior cologne.

The name 2022 Ford Bronco Raptor’ comes off as a lot of marketing personal don’t really care how terrible it sounds to say. What’s next ‘Thunder Cougar Falcon Bird.

I see a Ferrari.

 I can’t unsee Ferarri in this Maserati

It was fun but they are always busy, the Hunger Games director Gary Ross seemed to understand that sort of weird character aesthetic.

We need more Tron, maybe a live action series or the long awaited movie.

I can’t understand the mentality of screaming masses of people like Elvis fans or Beatlemania, is it really a condition or were they attempts at being noticed by the star or could it be that if everyone's doing it they should also?

I’m a old school Halo starting back at CE when we had to use XB Connect, I’ve read the books & have seen enough to see that Spielberg didn’t bother attaching knowledgeable writers or Halo fans to this project. The scope, scale & lore has been sidelined by those who want to make Halo into something else, I had high

I’m an old hand at Warhammer & I’ve been stoked about this for so long waiting patiently. I have to state the obvious though, the graphics look dated to the PS3 unfortunately. They miss the mark here for me I mean with good gaming rigs & next gen consoles, maybe the problem comes out of long development & being

I don’t trust peoples hygiene & health common sense, the many times I have gone into stores with bulk bins & have seen customers helping themselves after coughing or sneezing into their hands isn’t appealing. Combine this with anti vaxxers who skirt reality & it’s apparent better solutions to zero waste shopping are

I’m Canadian but I still never liked how Trump destroyed a lot of good views the world had for the USA, I’m glad things are slowly moving towards boring & the loonies in Congress like Cawthorne, Gaetz & Greene are being weeded out by logical thinkers, crossing fingers for others like Boebert to also fade away. The on

Patrick’s name was attached to Doctor Strange on IMDB for awhile now, no surprise but why would Raimi act so secretive?


This sounds a lot like old style Halo from way back, I’m certain it’s the other way around when this Halo vs Fortnite comparison is being made. Let’s not forget Fortnite borrows characters & idea from a lot of content they never invented. And this puts me in the grays, how?