
The only reason why EA wants to scrap old games is to keep pumping out games with stripped out content they sell to customers as DLC on launch date. Micro transaction hell.

People with these garbage attitudes towards others is getting tiring fast, you’d think humanity had evolved past this. I have a friend who gets called all sorts of names from his wife, she freaks out all the time & even fakes injuries for attention that he never neglects to give her, he has to account for every minute

Hilarious skits, it’s weird though that I have never met any Canadians that speak this way though. I’m wondering where this portrayed stereotype comes from, must be an east coast thing, maybe Newfoundland?

I love design of my Halo 5 Guardians machine, easily my favorite. I still have my Xbox original (my Dukes also) & my launch date 360 as well. I Gave away my XB1 for one of these the Halo 5 versions. Do you have the older consoles too?

That’s only because only like 2 games maybe have Mario right? Barf to an overdone character.

So Mario franchise game number 1 billion or so? I remember when Halo ODST came out & people were screaming at Bungie for milking a series, yet Nintendo is the biggest fart monster when it comes to shameless blatantly obvious customer milking with 2 handfuls of video game characters. Ubisoft is no angel to franchise

Dammit if they could only fix the visibility issue, looking bada$5.

He was a decent, caring human being.

I know, they wouldn’t have even heard it coming either.

Assassins Creed looks so good with that color pallet.

It’s illegal to keep Sturgeon.

I hate to be that guy but risk takers shouldn’t hold car makers liable for their driving errors, RIP Paul you were one of the greats. I wonder how he would view the tasteful drive off at the end of the movie, heartbreaking.

Hey whiner, I have saved $36.5 million through the Smugglers update using my bunker & hanger. Lazy people, shaking my head at you.

It should be known that most individuals on this show go through a pre screen with their item, then they can go in & some of the stuff is reenacted & re shot if it doesn’t turn out right. Pretty much anything on NatGeo is scripted, who in their right mind would actually believe that illegal moonshiners would allow

Pretty sure you’d be mad.

These jerks that injure other beings for fun should have a hook shoved in their mouth & have someone pull them around in a boat, sports fishermen can piss off & so can bull riders. What a beautiful fish.

This game is a gem, it’s $30 CAD right now on Live.

Any idea how long an OLED will last?

Any idea how long an OLED will last?