
I was trying to figure out where I’d seen this title before.

I’m so tired of auto tuning & over digitized soulless mastering, I like the live free styled artists best.

For the Oscars if someone does a good job they get a congratulations & a trophy, if they don’t people complain. When athletes lose in sports they accept that they could’ve done better, I’ll never get this Oscar thing being treated any differently as just being biased. Sure that happens in the world but I don’t think

I used to do reveals like this in B & W or even color sometimes laying down multiple coatings of pastels first, then stripping away layers to create the picture. My style was the Savage Sword of Conan, I used to have so many sketch books but then I made the mistake of downsizing my possessions when I was younger to

Great job choosing the right machine & building your hill climber, did you also end up modifying the hood to get around heat stacking for this monster? Will you also do a estimated cost break down of your initial investment of the Z06 & the sum of all parts & the work you and your team labored to make this happen?

Baby looks like a solid 2 1/2 stars out of 5 for sure. The biggest issues was the over embellished hype spin on this movie, possibly one of the worst titles & advertising schemes I’ve seen yet.

We call them monster homes in Canada, no one likes them.

And you will continue walking around with your nose in the air looking down on everyone but yourself, give yourself a pat on the back here for this one. Great job.

She was trying to make more Frequent Flyer Yuan.

I’ll say my nose wasn’t very high in the air when I was on the ground getting the crap kicked out of me for speaking out against racist bullies, I’m sure we’ve all been there though.

That’s all types of horrible right there, what gets me is we’re supposed to be living to be living in a modern world where all that racist behavior is gone. Whenever someone goes off on a racist rant or violent act it’s usually the brainwashing from a family member, peer or friend passed down. I’ve tried all my life

What I stated wasn’t meant to be an argument or standoffish, I was sharing what I’ve seen in my life. Anyone who’s known someone that ended up in a bad way wishes they could have done enough to change that persons choice & outcome. The last friend I had that went rogue was my childhood friend, someone I’d have hoped

More racism, nice.

Having been there with people going through this first hand it’s right up there with having a relative pass away feelings. As I stated the friends I knew would not change their life style, ultimately it cost them. I’d hope for anyone they never have to go through this getting mad at me for sharing seems a bit harsh.

Your comment is kind of gross, grow up.

Care to back up your gross strawman statement?

Trump freaking lied to those that were foolish enough to swallow his lies & voted for him, it was apparent throughout the debates that he lied & continuously changed the percentages even in the course of a couple minutes he changed them to either embellish or suffers from memory loss or BSitits. Hopefully most of the

I’m speaking of the title of the post, by no means is it meant to be a blanket statement for the context of the article, I though that part would have been clear. I’ve had my brush with people heading down the wrong path unwilling to change their outcome. There are several people imprisoned who also didn’t deserve to

One would only hope that their friends & family would have the common sense not to end up in one of these places, I had to leave so many friendships due to their destructive behaviors after leaving multiple bits of helpful advice to them. You are sometimes like the company you keep, people are capable of so much more

Now playing

I fell in love with another of these side scrolling masterpieces as well, Little Nightmares is a gem & shouldn’t be overlooked by anyone who collects amazing gameplay & beautiful works of art.