
Maybe they can do a scene where she out bench presses The Rock.

My Insurgent is colored gold to make fun of Dartz, I’m going to the same with my Night Shark when they release it for the gun running update later. All Rockstar needs to do now is have a custom whale penis leather with diamond accoutrements for the interior to finish the Dartz lunacy.

I look at Dartz vehicles as something off the pages of a comic book, the people who drive are probably even worse. All they need to do next is a monster truck version to complete the idiocracy.

I didn’t feel the whiplash effect of my car accident for about 3 days after the impact, I wonder how this guy will feel after.

Why is this fake shlock entertainment always presented as real? It’s all scripted & acted just like almost everything on National Geographic.

I prefer it this way instead of the whole engine covered up & like BMW or Mercedes does. I think showing off the engineering is best, I only wish there was more to look at, so many companies ruin engine compartments with garbage that only hides components & weighs down vehicles.

I was wondering where I’d seen that side profile silhouette before.

Nice reference, I forgot this one.

Edgars films have a different feel to them, I’m glad he didn’t direct Ant Man. Other than that I liked Shaun of the Dead.

Idiocracy, in any logical persons mind this outcome would have been explored. They’re lucky this didn’t end up with far graver consequences.

That hood is amazing.

That could feed a very large family.

That picture reminds of Edge of Tomorrow.

She looks like the brunette versions of a blonde ex I almost married, that suit though! Good work!

This looks terrible, CW totally ruins good characters with predictable acting.

Yep can’t have a tax driven system, where would the US government & health insurance ripoff artists get all that extra revenue to pay for their oligarch yachts.

Thank you.

Thank you, I have all the current content including Scorched Earth. Do you think the no charge will also extend to the Xbox one X as well?

People that call someone mad when they’re not always have the typical straw man argument mentality, get along people.

What a gentleman, stay classy San Diego.