
Alternate Fox News approved course titles:

I'm a feminist who can safely say Howard Stern is one too. His radio persona isn't who he really is and he has said as much.

Well, it's about time. Not that this excuses her, but from how I see it, she's the daughter of a generation of New York City artists who made careers for themselves by being very much unfiltered (and often in a manner that was very candid about the human body and sexuality). It seems like she's trying to take that art

At Nick Denton's wedding, one of the few images I remember vividly is Craggs grinding with his girlfriend up against a mirrored wall, completely shithoused, looking at himself in the mirror (tuxedo-clad, flawless, primal, sweaty) before looking down at her. Up and down, up and down, gyrating, shallow thrusts.

Matt, quit making burners to post about how hot you are. We've discussed this.

And to think, if you guys had only elected Mitt Romney then right now I could be finding out which was the best Mumford.

We're all poop creators when you really get down to it, Gella.

NOW THIS IS A WELL WRITTEN PIECE. No pandering, thoughtful, nice diction.

OMG. That Latino-Review article was beautiful and heartbreaking. Thank you for pointing it out to me - so much better than CNN's.

Go big or go home, Biggs!

This was one of the most intelligently written reviews/critiques of anything I've ever encountered on this site, and I hope we can look forward to more.

That Gaga... a grown woman with agency over her body, opting to use her own money to adorn it with the body art of her own choosing, and expecting to be able to do that and escape the judgement of strangers on the internet... who does she think she is?

When I get a tattoo on my upper back, I take off my pants too. I like to combine it with my annual pap smear.

Can the Lena-Dunham-backlash backlash start now please?

You're a dumbfuck.

Yeah speaking up about sexual assault is soooo hipster and try hard, how dare she.

Imma hold out for the pornhub version.

Usually the only things projected on my desserts are my body image issues so this is definitely a step in the right direction.

What a waste of money. 30 grand could have put a couple of those sex dolls through college.