
Oh, how horrible — I mean that you broke your back. I am glad you are better — stay better! Yep, it sucks when our parents have to see us naked (as adults) or when we have to see them naked (caring for aging parents), but, well, that's better than being alone with no one to love you to take care of you. I am glad

I'm not a misogynist - I LOOOVE women (who conform to my expectations of what women should be and don't challenge my assumptions OR natural superiority)!

Pretty sure the entire men's rights movement was started by a bunch of 'nice guys' who couldn't get laid.

The fact that you bolded the "I" in that Jemaine Clement item is awesome. Does maybe-Jemaine have nice legs? Inquiring minds want to know.

It's been a long life, and I reckon I've been fooled by the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Priory of Sion, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. But Miley Cyrus' publicity flacks? When that happens it's time to don the Depends, switch to a more mush-based cuisine, and watch the pretty colors all

You haven't actually read any of the book, have you? Or any of her Dear Sugar articles for The Rumpus? OK, then.

Judging by all these comments I guess I'm the only person who enjoyed this book and would be interested to see it made into a movie. I wouldn't have pictured Reese Witherspoon as the lead but she's a decent actress and a smart lady and so I don't get why others feel the need to take her down.

It fascinates me, the number of people who have an issue with this image now. I don't recall people pitching these hissy fits or threatening boycotts or releasing evidence and possibly harming due process when the NYTimes and other media used the exact same picture months ago.

It's looking at me, Ray.

This might be a minority view, but I don't get the offense. This is a person who, right now, is the legitimate subject of a lot of speculation and interest - interest in how he became so radicalized, interest in how he carried out the attack, etc. Some people seem angry that the picture is "flattering" - well, it's

How could Rolling Stone ever sully the vaunted honor that comes with being on the cover?

Look at the Manson cover. Notice what's missing?

Dzokhar Tsarnaev

You know what? Good on her for trying. I'm not going to rip on an 17 year old for being unable to separate herself entirely from societal expectations.

What I will do is pull her aside and explain that she's on to something - but she should consider who dictates good taste and why they feel pressured to behave that

I'd be curious where the following came in:

Strawman: At no point does this letter change the argument set forth in the SCOTUS case; the individual in question argued that they were denied admission to UT on "discriminatory" grounds, when the evidence points to the exact opposite being the case. While there may be

I am white, and I went to a mostly-white, mostly-rich liberal arts college. I did not grow up rich. I got a full ride there because I worked my ass off from the time I was like 7 to get into a good college. When I told people at my school what my dad did for a living, they'd talk about how great it was that I got my

Protip: just don't fucking ever compare things to lynching or rape.