

I didn't get to see it yet, and *still* clicked on this thread because apparently I like ruining it for myself! I was kind of hoping that Don and Megan wouldn't actually get married, but it sure will be interesting seeing Don with a different kind of powerful woman.

That sounds amazing! I have never tried red velvet cupcakes and suspect I am missing out.

I agree re: choice, and I support any woman's right to choose whatever kind of experience she wants to have (at least the portion of the birth process that is hers to control) without judgement. I'm saddened to find out that a person whose work helped shape my views on childbirth — and in part helped me to have two

Wow. That is unbelievable. I am truly stunned and saddened.

Definitely — and it *would* be a big leap if that was the only thing that his theory was based on (as my comment sort of makes it appear.) Observing these women gave him an idea which he spent his life researching, culminating with the Fear/Tension/Pain theory. Fear causes tension, which causes the lateral and

But that's the thing: it *wasn't* always painful to have an uncomplicated labor, and there's a link between fear and tension and pain in childbirth. The unfortunately-named Dr. Grantly Dick-Read discovered the connection by attending births of relatively uneducated women in poor parts of London. When he kept offering

I know! I cringed when I read the part about the crayons. I did two different methods, and neither involved a crayon or having my husband tell me to breathe through my rectum, or else I probably wouldn't have taken it seriously, either.

I actually *had* a pain-free birth using hypnosis. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, and if you don't commit to it, it will not work. It's a funny article, but it's disappointing to think of all the smart, wonderful women who will read this, laugh and dismiss Hypnobirthing because of it and instead face all the