Sweet Pizza

I actually love that they didn't go into detail on Bonnie's abuse. Just the fact that she pushed him and then her holding her neck at the end was enough to tell me all I needed to know. And it gets at something deeper: there are many people suffering abuse about whom we will never learn.

Can you link me to where you're getting "terrorized them for months"? I've read a bit about the case and never read/saw/heard that part.

What the hell would we do without Laura Dern?

You didn't read the book did you?

Shortcomings is actually his weakest. That's just my opinion, but I believe it's shared by many. Pick up Summer Blonde sometime.

Next to last season?

"It’s been a rough season, a fact underlined…"

Oh, cool. And I assume you have facts to back up your claim?

I really dislike when someone assumes their opinion is shared by all or even a majority.

You chastise the "pedophilia and bestiality" jokes but then call the show too safe. Which is it?

I didn't call you an asshole. That was AApple.

I rewatched over the summer and yeah, Zoey was my low point. Even just the Arcadian itself was weak for me.

But you're right; you're allowed to watch it (I don't think anyone said you weren't). I'm just endlessly baffled by people with enough time/energy to watch and comment about a show they haven't liked in 5 years.

Watching a show you don't even like and then spending time commenting about it. Surely there's something more productive to do with your time?

And then still comment about it five years after you've stopped.

You can't use the word "fetching" and then make fun of the name "Ansel."

And it would still be okay.

He's a witch. He must be destroyed/worshiped. Your call.

She stole the band's van out of spite (Mother justice?), but buckled and immediately returned it. After she gassed it up, or did I misremember that?

Looked like Ranjit's car to me.