Sweet Pizza

I actually think this should be an A-.

As is Penny, named after his lucky penny (that I predict once belonged to the mother).

Best episode of the season so far.

Nikki and Paulo came on at a time when the show was airing very sporadically even by network standards and only half of the original characters were being shown each episode, and at a time before the writers negotiated an end date for the show. So they represented a frustration with the writers not revealing mysteries

Einhorn is Finkel.

"CBS has Two and a Half Men and not much else."

The Good Wife, Under the Dome, and 2 and 1/2 Men are the three shows I know of with LGBT characters, but I could be unaware of more. Still, is that any worse than the other networks? I'm actually asking because I'm blanking on any characters other than Cam and Mitch.

I was just kidding. I wasn't sure if it would land, but I went for it anyway. Live your dreams, kids!

What do you mean "aping"?

I still don't have CBS On Demand. Glad someone does.

Nice catch.

At least a few are on Netflix.

Looks a good list to me. Computer Chess wasn't really on my radar, even though I think it might have been filmed near me and I've talked to one of the stars a few times. I'm really surprised to not see American Hustle on AV Club's list.

It must have been pretty vague…

Tonight's was especially good.

Yes, that's a perfectly fine, if unnecessarily hostile, opinion. I want to see more of her, too. I expect we'll see a lot more of her in the latter half of the season. I also expect that pacing-wise it ill make more sense why she wasn't in the beginning of the season as much. There's only so much they can do to keep

I find it funny how much people get hung up on the show's title. Do they realize how long it takes to meet someone. Did they really want the show to be 30 seconds long at most?

I don't get why this is getting downvotes. I've actually read it three times to try to figure it out. Fitting for the topic, I guess.

It is fairly ambiguous. I haven't watched it in a while, but I think there's a clear answer unlike Inception. Though I guess some disagree with that.

I need this class. Those are some of my favorite things. What school was that?