
It's funny how none of those tweets actually dispute or explain away what Shepard said. It's about his 'hate' and 'bias'. This from the party of folk who 'tells it like it is' and is tired of 'PC Bullshit'.

His sperm was just too slow to get away.

I noticed it too, but in one of Comedy Central promos. I only noticed because in the promo Ice Cube makes fun of Day's body size and then when he stands up face to face, they're basically the same height.

I think that works for me as well, I can like so much stuff (even Kardashian shows) I have to stop myself.

"outright colluded with her campaign (funny how outraged they are with Russia hacking yet not a word about that)"

"The media portrays the country as in chaos"

"Everyone against me must be on the same team!"

According to numerous articles kids born to men over 45 have a higher risk of issues, one being autism. Elliot was conceived when De Niro was 55. Hmm…

"avoid being virtue signaling turds"

Where are you people coming from? Did you wander in from the Trump conference thing? Or is this a more concerted effort?

I don't think he was trying to open a legit dialog. I think it was mostly a joke.

Goodness, it feels like it's been ages.

Much like our dear leader himself. And who better to emulate than our leaders?

I thought so as well. Words matter, but so does tone.

Whichever one fits the narrative better, silly pants.

That's fair enough. She certainly can't speak for all women, or Muslims anymore than I can for black people. However, I also think it's fair to say if she has academia then she has a more authoritative voice. I don't expect people to listen to myself over Cornel West.

I didn't know that. Regardless, shunning people forever is not my thing. Chris Brown seemed to treat the situation as a huge inconvenience, which is why I hold him to a different standard.

I don't know so much about that logic. I'm a black person who has grown up in the US. I have had exactly zero problems with the police. No one has ever frisked me, followed me in a store, called me a slur, etc. I've been in a cop car once, and that was because they drove me somewhere when I got lost.

Yes and no, the fat one is Hotei. He is a Buddha, but not "The" Buddha.

I generally like Mel Gibson, but to be fair I was never personally offended by his remarks, because he seemed like he was not in a good place.