
"I'm in the middle."

I like TBBT, but I don't think I'll watch this. Sheldon going back to being an ass is not a fun experience for me.

Not knowing Sheeran was going to be in the episode or what he looked like, I was almost positive that scene was about rape and murder. I would've bet money on it.

We're pretty much in the same boat. I knew his name but not his face and had no idea it was him. I thought it was kinda weird he was singing so well and the camera was on him so much.

No, I think the higher ups there, especially Miscavige, are quite aware it's a cult/scam and like the money and power.

What I thought joke was that even though Manny is supposed to be mature, he can be childish. But how it came to me was that being more mature than his peers he knew how to manipulate them and was attempting to do so.

Even so, not all gay men even suck cock. Or have anal sex for that matter. I don't want to be disingenuous and say they're unrelated but people really do think all gay men engage in it.

Well, I'm reasonably sure the true insult is that the man is in some way a woman. And if you called a woman that, it's that she was a prostitute or easy. So really, it's a layered insult.

When he dumped that girl for wanting to be friends was when my like plummeted and never really recovered. Was that the first skeezy thing he did? I can't even remember.

I don't think he looks up this stuff himself. I think he has sycophants doing it and they either outright tell him lies or let him believe what he wants. Either way, once he has embraced the idea, it's the new truth.

Well, now that he's president we are now a monarchy. I'm sure he would love to be king if he could make it so.

Folks, a ship exploded. Now I dunno anything about it. My people tell me it's bad, bad news.

That's what I've thought for a while now. I can deal with Pence because I know what sort of stuff fuels his thoughts. It's easier to combat as well.

Humans are shortsighted, I think. We forget what it's like to be in trouble shortly after it's over. We'll say 'Trump Never Again' but then 3 Presidency's later; "Oh, I like this guy. He can't be as bad as Trump!"

I hope to make this a distant memory one day, like Milli Vanilli.

I recall hearing that he only undressed (for sex) when the lights were completely off. I think it was from one of his former wives.

Those and the Highlander one are truly the best, you and spburke have excellent taste.

Mallory has the best ever line: Once again, you're left with the classic Irishman's dilemma: do I eat the potato now, or let it ferment so I can drink it later?

The worst. And I thought I would enjoy her when I saw her trailer. Kudos to Bioware for creating someone I absolutely detest but is infinitely more interesting than a mustache twirling hate sink like Arl Howe.

Well, the characters that espouse those things are usually shown to be wrong and/or hypocrites. As for Cartman himself; mostly no one likes him, he's acknowledged and portrayed as a delusional, double-crossing, opportunistic, lying coward.