
What I enjoy about Sunny is that they just don't care underneath their empty shell of left-leaning beliefs. They will shy away from slurs, and outright bigotry but will go after anyone for the pettiest of reasons.

That's just what we need, a good ol' fashioned war with Russia. We'll go in there and install a Tsar puppet or something. Claim that Betty White is a long lost Romanov or Rasputin's daughter. It don't matter.

That too. I don't envy any potus kid. If I was related to Trump though I would seriously consider changing my name, it's no Hitler but it's almost certainly not going to be Kennedy-esque either.

I like Ross.

That's true in theory. It's 2017 so I doubt the Donald can, like, lock her in a sanitarium.

I generally agree with you. I don't like Brown, but I do like Mike Tyson. And as a black person I just get frustrated with people trying to forever demonize these dudes and then turn around and gush about Tom Cruise - who is the poster-boy of a cult that engages in child and, essentially, slave labor.

I like it, but I can like almost anything. It's a softer version of IASIP, which I also like. Typically I shy away from overly mean, dark stuff nowadays, but it's different when I know it's going to end badly and the characters are jerks.

When I see her, on the show, step foot on Westerosi soil, then I'll believe it. Hopefully Cersei stabs her, because I'm in a Cersei mood at the moment.

I love it, because I think critics take it too seriously. I've also lost much of my fandom loyalty. And it's also because I became apathetic about the original Teen Titans, it got too gloomy for me and I've reached the point where I only remember them being miserable. For instance, I cannot remember Robin sans Red X,

If it kills any romance between the Doctor and his companion, good. But then again the Doctor could regenerate into a woman.

Remember, when the president does it, it's not illegal. Now apply it retroactively and there we go!

Well, I am.

I somehow doubt kids, white kids, care about the differences of Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Ecuadorians, Spaniards, etc.

I don't know if you found it already, but just in case not.

His enemies could be pigeons and rats.

I find most people are aware of that. They just have a different opinion than the courts.

MJ is still immensely popular, as unfortunate as people may see it, many of his fans don't really care. They believe he is innocent, or have divorced the scandal from the talent.

I believe the Cos is a rapist. Too many women, all very sketchy. He himself says he used quaaludes for ladies. The idea that they're ALL lying is a stretch for me.

I didn't say a woman's sole word would or should be the only thing required. I was amused by the idea the system, the media, or the public works with, or in favor of, women.

"Your backwards thinking that everyone is against the victim is not only dangerous but it's all lies."