
Internet's a crap shoot. Maybe a hater… maybe a racist misogynist.

Yes, I don't see how it was taken out of context. I have no place judging the singing of either woman, but I exactly understand what he meant.

I'm sure it's easier for us to forgive people when we like the stuff they make. Allen and Polanski are great examples, because despite being controversial/shitty people they had prolific careers.

Well, sure. I would agree that Tyson and Gibson are not comparable since Gibson didn't actually harm anyone. I can and do certainly see someone not letting Tyson go, and honestly I think that's fine. Not for me, personally. But it's your time and money, if you feel these men are unworthy then so be it.

Reminds me of Maron where Dave still had issues with Tyson. Marc, lightly, defended Tyson saying he had done his time and Dave asked whether Marc excusing rape or something.

Will Smith always, well within the last decade or so, struck me as a guy who doesn't rock the boat too much. He makes relatively safe casting and personal choices.

""Gamers" have become one of the most whiny, insufferable demographics that there is"

If he was indoctrinated from youth, it's probably familiar enough to fall back to that way of thinking.

He looks like a pre-chemical Joker. Has the right amount of creep in in his face.

I do. I left the nerd clique shit behind, and I enjoyed how annoying they made it seem. Then slowly it brainwashed me and now I unironically like it.

Well, I think the show was originally about Galecki. I started watching in the later seasons, and I thought Parsons was the main character and star.

My mother thought the same thing. She just said, "That is so ridiculous."

Seems like it should end soonish. All but one of the characters are pretty settled, most have overcome their problems.

Well, I want a Bill Maher as potus only a sliver more than Trump.

I basically ignore Milo. You can't really do to much with him because he uses his sexuality in different degrees. He tacitly piggybacks on the 'special treatment' afforded to gay people, the same treatment he decries. But also uses it as a shield to deflect from criticism.

It's about ethics in video game journalism. That's what you come for anyway, but you get to stay for the bigotry.

I just whined about this. It was so ridiculously phony. Like when celebrities talk about being gamers or something and then name Mario or Zelda as their favorite games.

When I first learned of him, I thought he was a troll doing just that.

Precisely. He's a pet, their token. Apparently gay people can't be douchebags.

Milo is just a tedious opportunist. When the gamergate debacle flared up he wasn't really aware of it, he had a very low opinion of all gamers.