Dan b

Bear with me here: just maybe Justin beiber is not so bad. He seems to be self-deprecating in an honest way ocassionaly. Yep, he’s been a total douche at points and may yet still be again. But sometimes I feel like he is getting the joke. He’s only what, 21? Thank you Jesus I don’t have to see videos of what I used to

It’s funny, or maybe we are..., no it’s funny when them foreigners say toilet instead of bathroom or “hospital” instead of the “hospital”.

“Dylan, you son of a bitch”

No one will go to his funeral. It will be too crowded.

If you want to put it in perspective, she was 11 when he was 18.

You know what’s a big bummer about that whole “hello friend” thing, I’m pretty sure it was something his son, who was murdered trying to help someone, used to say.

Hold it, hold it, now exhale. Aaaaaggh.

You are literally one of the greatest assholes ever. That I strive to put words occasionally to paper like this is an understatement. I am so bummed as to be sleeping in an abandoned house right now. This was almost inspiring enough to get up. I literally mean this.

Speaking of the origin of that quote, where is Danny glover? Musta turned it down?

Whose that lady from top gun? Kelly something. She seems like she would be a candidate. You've got a pretty comprehensive list at this point. Oh yeah, how bout Jamie lee?