Some guy getting flirty and thirsty in a private conversation. She stopped answering, he tried to reignite the conversation once more ... that’s it.
Seems to me the “It made me uncomfortable” part was his “What does your parents think about your career” part, which she probably felt like he was being judgmental of her and hit a little too close to home then the whole thing somehow got twisted to this nonsense :/
If you can’t handle mature conversations not going…
Having worked with Zaimont in the past, I can corroborate that he’s kind of an ass. Just very cynical and abrasive. These tweets reinforce that. However, if he’s being an ass outside of the work to someone he doesn’t work with, should that have any bearing on his job? I mean, by those standards, approximately 80% of…
False. If she was uncomfortable, SHE should have walked away. He was just being himself. They don’t work together. There is no professional relationship here. Being weird is not a crime.
A whole bunch of people are going to lose work, and a bunch more work is going to the shitcan because someone has an opinion you don’t agree with. You people are all fucked. Every fucking one of you. Fucked.
Imagine how sad one’s life must be to review-bomb some game on Metacritic, esp. over some perceived “SJW”-ness or something.
They were removed so we don’t get “It’s time for Fortnite to remove their Police Cars” articles.
How about taking a game with a set piece narrative of a time when things were different and try and put yourself in the shoes of your character, as of they lived in that world, instead of trying to import your politics and morality from today into it? Is murdering “heretical barbarians” for not converting horrific?…
Fallout 76 is out today, three years after the last game in the series, Fallout 4. Unlike its predecessor it’s not a…